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i called him... n he seemed nice n kinda hapi i called

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we havent talked since sunday when we got in2 a really bad fight - a physical one and he said he didnt want to be with me

i called him at work today(wednesday) - i asked him a big favor, if he could go with me to drop my car off at the dealership thursday nyte so it can get checked out on fri morning... i wanted to kno if i could use his truck the next day for work n he could drive his car - he asked why dont i ask sum1 else n i said no i dont have no one else to ask i want you to do this for me n he sid why n i said why do u think n he said i duno, n throughout most of the convo he was quite n he has been quite b4 after we fought n he was going to forgive me - imnot gietting my hopes up cuz this myte actaully make it easier for me to move on since i kno at least he still loves/cares about me - just we arent compatable - anyways he said hed have to think about it n i told him to call me when he had an answer n he said when do u need one n i said now n he said well i cant give it 2 you now so i said then call me after work n he said ok then we hung up n now im hapi that we can talk again cuz ive been wonderin how hes been feelin/ doin/ thinkin etc... but im so xcited n ahpi n im not gettin my hopes up but i love him so much and i duno i shouldnt of aske dhim huh - there are otehr people i could of asked who would have said yes but i used this as an excuse to talk to him.....

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Sorry to be blunt but to me he doesn't seem happy, your reading too into it. If he was happy and cared about you , he would have not declined in lending you his truck. He knows the only real reason you called was becuase you wanted to chat to him.


You need to give him space, I don't think he is ready to talk to you right now let alone do you favours.!




he still loves/cares about me - just we arent compatable


if you both aren't compatible then how can he still love you?...


You shouldn't hope and wait on his call, find another way of dropping your car off, and don't make excuses to call him, he isn't worth it right now.


Plus he said he doesn't want to be with you and you had a fight, I guess he hit you?, when the man who you love and is supposed to be in love with you hits you then there is no love.

He is telling you its over, you seriouisly need to move on and NC him big time, don't let him feel you are too needy!.

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This guy is a dog, as everyone told you the other day. There is NO excuse for his physical and mental abuse - that is NOT love sweetie.


Those who love us do NOT hurt us or cause us pain.


Do not contact this guy, if you cannot stay away on your own, seek therapy. This is your health, your life, your emotional well being on the line.


Honestly I hope he does not forgive you and stays away from you from your own sake - you need to save yourself from this man, and from yourself.


Don't call him back, and ask someone else for help. He is not someone whom you should be going to for help in any shape or form...he is the one you need help getting away from.

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I totally agree with you RayKay. Why is it there are some many nice men out there that would probably worship this woman and she goes after the jerk that will berrate her and physically abuse her? I just dont understand this at all. This poster is obviously very young because of the way she writes on the forums.


There is no way that som1 who can drv wd type like dis.

I wish this person the best but, I know for a fact that this guy will hurt her really bad one day and she will keep going back for more and more. What a vicious cycle to be locked into.

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I totally agree with you RayKay. Why is it there are some many nice men out there that would probably worship this woman and she goes after the jerk that will berrate her and physically abuse her? I just dont understand this at all. This poster is obviously very young because of the way she writes on the forums.


There is no way that som1 who can drv wd type like dis.

I wish this person the best but, I know for a fact that this guy will hurt her really bad one day and she will keep going back for more and more. What a vicious cycle to be locked into.


I can only venture a guess - but it is likely due to low self esteem, insecurity and a lack of awareness about what a relationship, love and respect is all about.


And...I have learned not to assume ages by writing skills on this age, I have been wrong too many times!


I wish her the best too, but I fear if she is already going back and pretending the issues are not present or that big of a deal, she will get seriously hurt and be trapped in this cycle for a very long time, until she truly is a battered woman in every sense of the word.

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im 23 - hes gona be 26 end of july

i kno weve been thru so much but i hope we could wash away the past hurts n start anew

but thats impossible

i said i wasnt going to get my hopes up - n i kno there is no way we could even be 2gether again - i just needed to talk to him, to kno hes stills there... somewere...

i will always love him but i kno its best for both of us to lead separate lives, because we cannot agree on a life together

ill always love him - n yes he did hit me but i provoked it because i said stuff i shouldnt have that made him mad - hes never hit any of his gfriends b4 - i just drove him crazy n he had no other way to shut me up since he had told me to leave n i wouldnt

its my fault this relationship didnt last....

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n yes he did hit me but i provoked it because i said stuff i shouldnt have that made him mad - hes never hit any of his gfriends b4 - i just drove him crazy n he had no other way to shut me up since he had told me to leave n i wouldnt


I'm sorry if I'm being blunt, but isn't this the call of the abused in an abusive relationship. "He's not like that normally, I just did something to upset him..."


I'm glad you know that you know you can't be with him. Devious, there is no reason that someone who loves you would ever hit you. End of story.


I wish you luck, if I were you I'd take what you learned from this relationship so you don't fall into the same trap in the next.

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