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He saw my message but didn’t reply should I block him?


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2 minutes ago, kim42 said:

This is slightly off topic, but please don't judge foreigners living in another country, there's not much we can do about our accent.

As for the guy, I wouldn't waste my time with someone who has blocked me several times.

my parents aren’t even from the US they have accents too why would i make fun of it??

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5 minutes ago, LoveSiiick said:

 I texted a cancellation instead

It was leading up to that anyway. Online dating takes some effort and has some frustrations, however if you keep picking questionable prospects because you like the way they look on their Tiktok videos and are "Tiktok famous", you are in for a very difficult and unnecessarily disappointing time.

The first time this guy blocked you was the time to delete, block permanently and move on. Are you using free hookup apps? You seem to be selecting the worst of the worst. 

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1 minute ago, Wiseman2 said:

It was leading up to that anyway. Online dating takes some effort and has some frustrations, however if you keep picking questionable prospects because you like the way they look on their Tiktok videos and are "Tiktok famous", you are in for a very difficult and unnecessarily disappointing time.

The first time this guy blocked you was the time to delete, block permanently and move on. Are you using free hookup apps? You seem to be selecting the worst of the worst. 

I deleted him after the first time, then he texted me the next day and that’s when I replied. I do realize I made a mistake responding. I’m on facebook dating. I could care less about his tiktok fame, it’s already hard for me to meet men who mention meeting, most men i match with only want a texting buddy. And this guy was insisting since the very beginning to meet but I had exams and also was out of town for the weekend. Like our schedules didn’t align.

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6 minutes ago, LoveSiiick said:

 I’m on facebook dating.. And this guy was insisting since the very beginning to meet but I had exams and also was out of town for the weekend. Like our schedules didn’t align.

If you are not ready willing or able to date, because of "schedules" why not take a break from dating? Unfortunately it seems like you want text buddies and find reasons not to meet. 

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2 hours ago, LoveSiiick said:

my parents aren’t even from the US they have accents too why would i make fun of it??

You have mentioned "he's a foreigner" at least three times and his "thick accent" at least once. 

Why, if these things are not somehow important to you?  I mean what's their importance in your gripe here?

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OP, I can understand your frustration.  If someone is interested in meeting you, it is reasonable to expect that they'll reply to confirm the new arrangements are OK for them.  However, this guy is from a culture where men do not treat women as equals and other than his looks, he really doesn't sound like a catch.  Be glad that he blocked you, because I think you've saved yourself a whole lot of disappointment.

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My take on what happened is that this guy wasn’t really enthusiastic about meeting you. He asked to meet you when you first started to chat because you were the girl he was talking to at that time. You didn’t make it so he decided that you were not worth the pursue/wait. He might even had another interesting prospect in mind. But he contacted you again and frankly his texts seem very low effort. I beg he would not have shown up at the restaurant, and you gave him an easy exit by making it more complicated. Would you have reached out to him the day after, he would have pretexted to be confused about the date, where to meet etc… I agree with the fact that he should have confirmed the place to meet. But he didn’t. 

See, I have known some of these young guys, the ones you call foreigners. OMG really good looking guys, having a bunch of girls in their contact list, and looking for easy hookups, playing the field, showing no consistency in texting, always short texts, not willing to wait a few days to meet you, shift gears every two days… These guys are a waste of time for someone looking for a serious relationship, and if you continue engaging with this type of men, you might get played easily… 

I suggest you get higher standards and start talking with men that show a little more investment. Ask them to pick up the restaurant and make the reservation, make them invest in you a little bit. Never settle for vague plans and always remember that guys show their best during the courting phase. So if the “on read” and “blocking” is his best, delete him asap, he is just another scumbag… 

Take care! 

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I think you're just mismatched. He doesn't interact as often or as timely as you'd like, and you seem to take issue with him being of a culture that is foreign to you. You do speak about him in a rather negative way. 

I kind of shook my head that you would take any offense whatsoever to him not responding to your message as soon as you'd like...but find that lying to him is acceptable and mature behavior. You had nothing to lose by being honest. I'm sure you would have appreciated the same from him.

Again, you're just mismatched and each of you are apparantly unable to meet the other's expectations. It happens.

I wish you the best in finding someone who has the same 'texting manners' as yourself so that you'll feel more assured going into the first date.

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