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this was a rough night... I lost two friends, I felt negligated, I felt stabbed, I felt cheated... I was really mad earlier but it seems better now. I have so much hatred... they just ***in throw my heart away... i just saw how HARDCORE I MAY ARE when I get mad... how can I be so sweet and so evil at the same time... I wished their death for what they've done, and please don't play pity on me... i.e: im so sorry bla bla be direct i dont care, i just want to stop that... I feel like im dyin from the inside and it will eat me alive...


Jeff l. Spiegel

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been therre..done that..it really sucks..exept I lost three best friends...and I understand the absolute rage...and death-wishing...I did that, too.


The only way you'll feel better is to tell then exactly how you feel, and then let time do the rest.

I'm not pitying you, but I am sorry. b/c I know that feeling..I wouldn't wish it on most ne1.


well, get to feeling better !



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ok i wont be sweet. and hell no i dont feel sorry for you...

but i need more detail. Why did you lose two friends? was it based on your own actions? or something they did?

and second what does your anger look like? do you get physical or are you just having the thoughts?

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  • 2 years later...

I've lost some best friends too, but hate isn't the answer because it will eat at you and eat at you till you are a lost cause of the universe and afraid that your thoughts will make you do something that will take you forever!!!


You won't think that anybody understands your pain, but I know pain more than anyone I know.


Guess what? You can come back if you really want to and have to dig deep within yourself for all the strength you have left.


Pain is a mission and road of learning, so you have the choice to come out of the dark and into the light.


You wouldn't even come here to reach out if you didn't need help or salvation.


Hang in and there will be some light for you, but get over some hate and find some trust. We're listening!!!!


God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me!


Quote: Every Day You Don't Learn Something New, Is A Day Wasted!



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