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So there this guy that used to like me and told me he liked me but during that time I didn't like him back and was talking to someone else, he told me he was jealous of the person I was talking too. Afterwards we was on and off on our talking stage. I started to have feelings for him and told him, he started to get this big ego out of nowhere and said maybe he will think about it. We had a argument because I heard from people he was talking *** about me to other people and saying I was emotional manipulate him, telling people I'm scary so we blocked each other off but on my birthday he kept blocking me then unblocking me. For 6 months he still has a status that talks about me with "me👍", he put this status after our argument. He finally unblocked me but still has the same status. 

Why do you think this person behave like this? 

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1 minute ago, Shannon2119 said:

I have met this person, I have met him through a friend and he is 21 years old. I no longer talk to him but was wondering why a person behaves like that

Because people move towards pleasure and away from pain -it pleased him more to type that way and gossip than the downsides -he is a person who justifies speaking that way about another person because it benefits him to do so.  There is no "talking stage" in dating - if you mean flirting by typing back and forth -that's flirting, sexting, chatting whatever.  It's not a "stage" and it sounds like you two already had poor first impressions of each other.  People who are attracted to each other and who are both single typically make a plan to meet up. 

Sometimes to date, sometimes to hook up or to get to know each other and decide whether there is interest in dating.  There's no "stage" of "talking" - if you're "talking" meaning chatting with someone you are attracted to all that means is you're chatting and in the future you two might choose to meet in person and date or hook up. 

I'd avoid analysis of  this person -let his mom or friends or whatever do so -he's not a friend of yours.  I'd stop contact all together and spend your precious free time with people who you enjoy being with or doing stuff on your own  

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We did have plans to meet up but due to a argument we didn't anyways its over but he still going around to people and saying stuff about me and my friends are friend with him, probably a way to make himself feel better but I just don't understand why this individual wouldn't let go and his status still about me even though its been months. It just childish at this point 

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38 minutes ago, Shannon2119 said:

We did have plans to meet up but due to a argument we didn't anyways its over but he still going around to people and saying stuff about me and my friends are friend with him, probably a way to make himself feel better but I just don't understand why this individual wouldn't let go and his status still about me even though its been months. It just childish at this point 

Because certain individuals act in a childish way. You do you.  If you already had an argument before you even met up for a date or hook up then you already know there's no reason to meet and potentially date this person, yes? Why do you need to understand anything about this individual? 

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My suggestion is to lower your risk of future drama/childish behavior.  If you meet someone and you are not interested in dating the person and the person is interested in dating you avoid staying in close contact.  Be polite if you happen to see the person around or at social activities.  If you are interested in dating the person and the person asks you out for a proper date in advance go on the date.  If the person chats to you for more than a day without asking you out on a proper date and you are interested in dating the person either respond very briefly if at all and/or ask him out on a proper date.  I would not keep chatting with a person where there is a one-sided attraction or a one-sided interest in dating.  As this increases the risk for drama.

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12 hours ago, Shannon2119 said:

he told me he was jealous of the person I was talking too. Afterwards we was on and off on our talking stage. I started to have feelings for him and told him, he started to get this big ego out of nowhere and said maybe he will think about it. We had a argument because I heard from people he was talking *** about me to other people and saying I was emotional manipulate him, telling people I'm scary

Because he's a loser?

To speak of jealousy- when you're not even involved > Red flag.

Then to talk **** about you - Red flag

Then to block & unblock? > Red flag.

Stay away from conniving idiots.


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On 10/2/2022 at 3:58 AM, Shannon2119 said:

I have met this person, I have met him through a friend and he is 21 years old. I no longer talk to him but was wondering why a person behaves like that

Because he lack empathy.  People act like that because either they were raised lacking empathy or transitioned into lacking empathy.  Always steer clear of those types because they're irreparable.   They are who they are. 

I know several people who fall into this category.  I simply stay away.  I prefer to surround myself with those who know how to behave honorably.  Anyone else is a waste of my time and energy.  I don't deal.  I'm out.

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On 10/2/2022 at 12:07 AM, Shannon2119 said:

We had a argument because I heard from people he was talking *** about me to other people and saying I was emotional manipulate him, telling people I'm scary so we blocked each other off but on my birthday he kept blocking me then unblocking me.

A knucklehead, who spoke badly about you to others and then childishly blocked & unblocked you often, is not worth thinking about.

Wishing you all the best! 🙂

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Ahh the wonders of social media once again.

Blocks and unblocks you, status blah blah blah.   It is all childish and unproductive not to mention stupid mind games.

 Ignore him completely which means you never look at anything of his so you don't see anything of his status, what he likes or anything. 

At this point you are choosing to allow him to affect how you feel and he is getting you to think about him which is what he wants. Keep this up and he wins...


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