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I posted this on another forum. And thinking about it, it is the first time I've written about this...


This ghost haunts me and nevers leaves me alone. I'm in fact a college drop out...


But that was the price I had to pay to finally get ahold of my life and turn it in the direction I wanted to take instead of just following my parents orders...


In fact, I'm in the IT field not by my choice, but that was the only choice my dad left me. He is right, he never told me what I should study, but he always told me what I shouldnt' do...


When I was a kid my godfather gave me a minibike as a present. My parents didn't liked it, but I was hooked for life. Then my dad got a moped for my brother, and as we grew, I inherited the moped =)


That was my last bike, I stoped riding it when I was 14 or so...


I never forgot about motorcycles, never...


Then two years and a couple of months ago I had the itch to get a bycicle. The one I had as a kid (bmx kind) was too small and I bought a new mountain bike...


Then I started having dreams/nightmares about buying a motorcycle!!!


I always dreamt that I had my motorcycle, but didn't had a chance to ride it, and almost at the end of my dream, when I finally had a chance to ride it the damn thing transformed into the bycicle I just had bought!


That was it, I knew I had to get a motorcycle...



My mom took it way bad, it would have been easier if I had told her I was doing drugs. They stopped supporting me financialy, I had to get a job to continue paying for it, and had to drop college.


However they didn't kicked me out from home...


Now they are easy about it, and had gotten used to it. But the harm is already done.


But well, I'm doing fine, I got a good job with extremely good oportunities which include certifications that can easily overcome the lack of University degree.


The certification right now is extremely important for me. My mom raised me with the idea "you won't get anywhere without a University degree". I think that this certification will get me even farther than the degree by itself, and now I don't know...


I long for this certification, for the fear of not being able to get anywhere without a degree, and just to prove myself that I can get to where I want.


I think I'm just venting out, this ghost stalks me...

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