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Chapter 3


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3 hours ago, dias said:

You know what the problem with comfort is? Life is not interesting. It's pleasant since it's easier but it is not interesting. 

My restless nature is kicking in again. I am over the last fiasco, especially after I got residency, and ready to roll forward again. Life is too easy for me in Athens, probably because aside from the job everything else is provided by my parents. I don't have to pay rent, I have a relatively good salary, I have a car,  work is fine, everything is fine pretty much, but I get frustrated when life is not interesting. Now if you ask me "why do you prefer having nothing and building everything from scratch without help and whining during the whole process?" my answer is yes I believe there is something wrong with me and I prefer adventures, instability and difficult things over comfort. It's the only way I find life interesting and worth living. I guess it comes with being very driven, I have observed this mentality only on very driven personalities. 

I am recharging now but I reckon from March I will begin taking (more) action. 

Love it! 

Go go go! 

I am like, standing up here clapping inspired Dias haha! I think this is very true about yourself!


Someone once said, the biggest risk is taking no risk!



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I am getting really frustrated with my parents, they are so annoying, in different ways each one but still both very annoying. I doubt I will stay more than a year in Athens, my parents is more than a good reason to go somewhere else. I don't want the burden of a sorehead mother or a father who needs babysitting. I don't want to inherit anything, I don't want anything from them, I just want piece of mind.

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2 hours ago, dias said:

I am getting really frustrated with my parents, they are so annoying, in different ways each one but still both very annoying. I doubt I will stay more than a year in Athens, my parents is more than a good reason to go somewhere else. I don't want the burden of a sorehead mother or a father who needs babysitting. I don't want to inherit anything, I don't want anything from them, I just want piece of mind.

Is your Mum the overprotective one you mention sometimes Dias?


I think after 21 parents still treating you as if you are 12 ain’t so cute anymore! It wears thin. I keep my parents to once a week and that visit of 4 hours always has me looking forward to a financial lecture from my Dad and my Mum nagging me when we are going to get this and that done or passively aggressively picking apart my parenting choices. Sometimes I feel like swivelling and saying well what were you both doing at 32?! 

Frustrating, but part of you knows you kind of need to keep the peace! Am I way off or near? 🤪



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On 10/18/2022 at 9:46 AM, dias said:

I just want piece of mind.

If I continue not having peace of mind I will certainly end up like Hannibal Lecter and want an actual piece of mind lol

On 10/18/2022 at 12:23 PM, mylolita said:

I think after 21 parents still treating you as if you are 12 ain’t so cute anymore! It wears thin.

It's not they are treating me as a child, it's more about burdening me with their stupid relationship problems and I have to play the therapist all the time or that I am receiving criticism for most of my decisions or that they try to guilt trip me (which is not working anymore).

On 10/18/2022 at 12:23 PM, mylolita said:

Sometimes I feel like swivelling and saying well what were you both doing at 32?! 

We are past this sort of conversations, we have established I am more competent and have done more than them. Nonetheless my decisions are still getting criticized. 

On 10/18/2022 at 12:23 PM, mylolita said:

Frustrating, but part of you knows you kind of need to keep the peace! Am I way off or near? 🤪

Don't get me wrong I love my parents but still....One continent is a safe distance I would say. 

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For an unknown reason from all the places in England I have been I miss Norwich the most. I really don't know why. Liverpool was always my favorite place. I guess it's because I have connected Norwich with happy memories, I stayed only six months but those six months everything went upwards, got the best job I ever had, published 4-5 photos in the regional newspaper within a couple of months, I stayed in a nice house, I met some nice people...maybe it was away from the sea which posed a problem for me but realistically speaking it was the best period of my life in the UK. It was my lucky place. Hmmmm

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On 10/29/2022 at 12:19 AM, Jibralta said:

It's definitely one of the best 'vices' a person can have!

Between sex and food->food

Between food and exercise -> exercise

And I love sex to begin with so you can imagine how much I love exercising. If suddenly I couldn't exercise I would probably commit suicide....

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I so much regret my stupid mistake this summer.... I have moved on but it's hard to swallow, subliminally I can't let it go 

Damn, I do learn the hard way.... the very hard way. 

I will find a way to reverse the situation and make it work to my advantage but the way I handled everything from the beginning was so freakin wrong, from one bad decision to another. 

Life lesson: don't be frivolous when you work so much, you can very easily demolish what you have built over the years with blood, sweat and tears in a moment. 

It was bad timing and some cruel people but I was frivolous and stupid, I can't blame bad timing or some nasty people, there are always be nasty people around, you have to be responsible for the outcome 100% and I wasn't. I didn't practice what I preach. 

Not a pleasant life lesson for sure, definitely a good one though. 





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17 hours ago, dias said:

I so much regret my stupid mistake this summer.... I have moved on but it's hard to swallow, subliminally I can't let it go 

Damn, I do learn the hard way.... the very hard way. 

I will find a way to reverse the situation and make it work to my advantage but the way I handled everything from the beginning was so freakin wrong, from one bad decision to another. 

Life lesson: don't be frivolous when you work so much, you can very easily demolish what you have built over the years with blood, sweat and tears in a moment. 

It was bad timing and some cruel people but I was frivolous and stupid, I can't blame bad timing or some nasty people, there are always be nasty people around, you have to be responsible for the outcome 100% and I wasn't. I didn't practice what I preach. 

Not a pleasant life lesson for sure, definitely a good one though. 





Try not best yourself up Dias!


Remember, you could have gotten comfortable and just stagnated there for years on end! Might be a blessing in disguise. 




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I had a video chat with bro yesterday. He gave me a tour of his new office, he is officially a university professor now, his name on the door and stuff! Atlanta seems nice (at least from the little you can see from a screen), nice weather, sunny and mild. I am not a jealous person, I very rarely get jealous (in a good way always), this time was one of them, I wish I was in Atlanta too. I have heard Atlanta has a lot of strip clubs; nice weather, strip clubs, sounds like a good fit for me! Definitely!

For the time being I can only daydream unfortunately. I made the first step for Australian residency which is to send your qualifications, degrees etc to evaluate whether you are skilled enough. I doubt I will get it but I thought why not you never know in life it's good to have options. Even if I get it I doubt I would move to Australia, I don't think it's in my cards. It's more than likely I would move back to the UK. My most favorite place of course would always be the US, I might find a way to get there one day. 

Damn, I have to go to work and my car is broken. It left me in a traffic jam two weeks ago...

2022 was/is a bad year for me. 


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On 11/3/2022 at 5:24 AM, dias said:

2022 was/is a bad year for me.

Same here, it's definitely been my annus horribilis. Surprising, a lot of rubbish stuff happened last year too. I just want to make it to the end of the year then reset for 2023.

Hope you find your place soon too Dias!

(PS my phone hates the new-ish forum layout so apologies for any duplicate posts/weird notifications haha)

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4 hours ago, hidden_kitten said:

Same here, it's definitely been my annus horribilis. Surprising, a lot of rubbish stuff happened last year too. I just want to make it to the end of the year then reset for 2023.

Sorry to hear that hidden_kitten. I guess we can't have only good years...Feel free to vent here if you want, I believe it's important to get it out of your system. At least this is what I do here. Bottled-up feelings make things worse in the long term, I found it more productive to wallow and complain sporadically on ENA instead. 


4 hours ago, hidden_kitten said:

Hope you find your place soon too Dias!

Thanks 🙂 I do believe I have already found it, it's everywhere 🙂

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23 minutes ago, dias said:


Hmmm, the tech world turned upside down. I noticed significantly less job adverts on LinkedIn recently. It's rare the tech industry to face recession but I guess it was about time. 

As someone just said on a comment I read:


”Who would have thought that shutting down the country for 18 months, destroying small business, and throwing money around like confetti, would have far reaching implications?!”


I didn’t like it then, I don’t like it now! We are paying the price! SHAKE THE MAGIC MONEY TREE HARDER WILL YOU! 

I’m really sorry to hear this Dias. Oh dear. More bad news huh.



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On 11/17/2022 at 10:58 PM, mylolita said:

I’m really sorry to hear this Dias. Oh dear. More bad news huh.

Meh I don't care, these things are expected, it's not the first recession and definitely it's not going to be the last. If you are healthy and you like to work you figure things out. 


On 11/18/2022 at 1:32 AM, Jibralta said:

Wow. I don't remember Amazon every laying people off before!

Indeed. However, if you think about it, Covid and lockdowns were a blessing in disguise for Amazon and similar companies and boy did they monetize it. During this period they hired a lot of people since there was work to be done and now that we are getting back to normality and business is slowing down they don't need them anymore. 

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6 hours ago, dias said:

Indeed. However, if you think about it, Covid and lockdowns were a blessing in disguise for Amazon and similar companies and boy did they monetize it. During this period they hired a lot of people since there was work to be done and now that we are getting back to normality and business is slowing down they don't need them anymore. 

That's exactly what Arnold said. Makes sense.

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I don't think it's coincidence that virtually the majority of the emperors and kings in history were married or had a friend/consultant/emotional crutch a woman who was some sort of a sex worker. I am not surprised at all to be honest, it actually makes a lot of sense. 

I remember reading about Justinian and Theodora in the history class at school. Apparently the book didn't mention anything about the escorting part but it did highlight how influential she was and her major role in the history of Byzantine. 

A job does not tell much about character or dexterity or integrity or intelligence for that matter in my experience. 



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