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Why wouldn't he remove me on social media?

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Hey all,

So I was talking to/ seeing a guy briefly for like a month and a half. I only met up w him twice but we talked more often on social media. It was one of those situationship/hooking up situations so I know I'm just freaking out but I really liked him. He would have like non sexual conversations with me which was a step up from the last guy I hooked up with as I only heard from that man when he wanted me to come over. Anyways, apart from talking with this guy like a normal person, he would either initiate or further any sexual conversations every so often. Ask me for pics, "plan" a time to hook up or whatever and not follow through. Finally he told me he's trying to work on himself and can't have sex for religious reasons which is a valid thing to say if he was telling the truth. He said he wanted me to "have closure" and was asking me if I would respect that from him. My thing is why didn't he unadd me on social? I still have him on two platforms but I thought it was weird that someone he has history with like that he wouldn't remove. Looking for insight as to his intentions with this one. 

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Why not delete and block him from all your social media and messaging apps. He's not interested in dating being friends or even hooking up anymore.

The best thing you can do is get a good profile and pics on quality dating apps and start talking to and meeting men.

This time raise your expectations to what you actually want which is to be treated like you're dating someone rather than an unpaid escort.

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Not everybody would delete and block you from social media. If you stayed in good relationshions lots of people would leave it as it is. Tomorrow they can contact you for something more or just to ask if they need to ask something or how you are in general. If you are bothered of having him there, you should delete and block him. For your own sake.

Also, I think he did fine. Didnt want to give you false hope and genuinly gave you closure. Lots of people wouldnt even have that kind of decency when it comes to stop seeing somebody. Whether his reasons are genuine, that is another thing. But just take it that he doesnt want to be there anymore from whatever reason. And leave that guy in the past where he belongs. 

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1 minute ago, Kwothe28 said:

Didnt want to give you false hope and genuinly gave you closure. Lots of people wouldnt even have that kind of decency when it comes to stop seeing somebody. Whether his reasons are genuine, that is another thing

This is such an insightful point. Many times people feel like the dumper's reasons are bs or unjust but really the reason isn't the point. 

I think its really hard to tell a person the "real" reason because it is a rejection. The reason can sometimes be petty or superficial. Not that it's right, but attraction is finicky like that. 

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14 hours ago, rosesandhoney said:

Finally he told me he's trying to work on himself and can't have sex for religious reasons My thing is why didn't he unadd me on social? 

Because he ended it to work on himself?  And not because it had anything to do with you?

People don't hold the same value over having people on their social media and don't feel the need to extricate them over a passing meeting.  He likely thinks you are a fine person, just not the fine person for a situationship for him at this time.  

I wouldn't give it much value.  He doesn't appear to.

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He probably see's you as a decent person and has no need to remove you.  So you two can still talk, if you want to....

As mentioned, you also have options - to remove him.  But you haven't.

If you feel you two can continue as just friends, then leave it alone.


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