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Do guys really do this?

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cuz juicy couture makes cute clothes... and i dunno if u've noticed or maybe its different where u are, but most sweat pants are like that. like, victorias secret's pink, almost all abercrombie, like all of hollister's pants..

ok this one time one of my friends (lets call her elle) and i were leaving my house and she was wearing my chanel pants that had the logo on the leg. one of them made some comment that i didnt hear and didnt ask elle but all i heard was her going 'omg you actually know what chanel looks like." in like the most sarcastic voice. she's really funny and stuff but she's seriously like the biggest b**** to anyone who's not on her good side.. i felt so bad that i was like. dude.. get in the car we're leaving...

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dancergirl, I see clothes like that every now and then but its not an everyday occurrence. maybe it's moreso in california, I dunno.


As terminatorx said:

to answer the question, yes a lot of men are intimidated by hot women. also, a lot of women are intimidated by hot men.


the real question here is WHY are men intimidated by hot women? For me, I'm afraid if I say something obvious, stupid, or just one "wrong word", she'll get rude on me and shoot me down. So next time I see a hot woman, I hesitate and wait and see whether she's in a happy mood or not. If she's in a happy mood, then I would feel better about approaching. However a lot of guys don't hesitate at all.


Ok one time I was at a bar when I see a group of girls getting shots at a bar and downing them. I approach and go, "hey guys! you look like you're having a ball of a time! what kind of shot was that? it looked good." Then one girl goes, "we were having a good time until you came along. now go away!" I was like, "whoa! I'm just making conversation. you want me to go away, so be it!" And I leave.


It's those kind of moments that makes me think TWICE about approaching a woman.

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i got about 9.4-6 on hotornot, its not accurate (like i said i give myself 7ish, i look a bit like JC Van Damme). brad pitt et al are a 9. tbh i wouldnt want to be that high, since i've had girls tell me i intimidated them at my current level, lol.



venturer- why are men intimidated? i'd say because they focus too much on the outcome and don't want their ego devestated.


personally i'd be more pissed off if a 6 rejected me than a 9 (even then i wouldnt care tho, because i know she'd be thinking i only wanted a f***, which might be true, hehe)

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Concerning the topic of pants/shorts with words written on the butt. Well I'm a guy, and I'm not gay so if the girl is cute I will look. I mean I'll try to be discrete as possible but I mean I'm gonna look.


So if you're annoyed at guys commenting dancergirl just stop wearing the clothing. However, I find that more than likely girls tend to like that attention anyways or else they wouldn't keep wearing the clothes. They say in public they hate it but most women period love getting attentions from guys, well attractive guys anyways. Hey that's probably the issue here. The guys making comments are not attractive to you so it makes since you're looking down on their comments. If they were cute, attractive in your eyes then the situation may not be as bad in your eyes.

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Concerning the topic of pants/shorts with words written on the butt. Well I'm a guy, and I'm not gay so if the girl is cute I will look. I mean I'll try to be discrete as possible but I mean I'm gonna look.


So if you're annoyed at guys commenting dancergirl just stop wearing the clothing. However, I find that more than likely girls tend to like that attention anyways or else they wouldn't keep wearing the clothes. They say in public they hate it but most women period love getting attentions from guys, well attractive guys anyways. Hey that's probably the issue here. The guys making comments are not attractive to you so it makes since you're looking down on their comments. If they were cute, attractive in your eyes then the situation may not be as bad in your eyes.


i've never thought of it like that, omg, you're so right!!

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guys are all about their ego. anybody can tell you that. we have to hear how great of a job we did and everything. and thats one thing we dont take well is failure and rejection. most guys when say they start some craft or project..they have to finish it. when they go for a girl that they find really great and gorgeous we get the feeling of "got to have them" but then theres the feeling in the pit of the stomach that cries out....wow the close i get the prettier she is, no ill get rejected, a girl that pretty has to have a guy already.....yes it sounds wrong but its how some of us are. I wouldnt say we go for the lesser pretty girl, every girl has just as much of qualities as the rest.

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Concerning the topic of pants/shorts with words written on the butt. Well I'm a guy, and I'm not gay so if the girl is cute I will look. I mean I'll try to be discrete as possible but I mean I'm gonna look.


So if you're annoyed at guys commenting dancergirl just stop wearing the clothing. However, I find that more than likely girls tend to like that attention anyways or else they wouldn't keep wearing the clothes. They say in public they hate it but most women period love getting attentions from guys, well attractive guys anyways. Hey that's probably the issue here. The guys making comments are not attractive to you so it makes since you're looking down on their comments. If they were cute, attractive in your eyes then the situation may not be as bad in your eyes.


i've never thought of it like that, omg, you're so right!!



Now you realize that you have to take the bad with the good - without complaining or being rude to anyone. In this case, if you are going to wear these clothes, you'll have to accept the "bad kind" of attention (from the guys who are not attractive to you) with the "good kind" of attention (from the guys who are attractive to you).

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I think I said it before, but anything in this world, including attractiveness, has a good side and a bad side. Which is why I get pissed off whenever people complain about how a person is so lucky cause they're good looking. Those people really don't know what it's like to be the other person, so they should just stop judging other people.

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Which is why I get pissed off whenever people complain about how a person is so lucky cause they're good looking. Those people really don't know what it's like to be the other person, so they should just stop judging other people.

As far as people who are jealous and complain about not being as attractive as other people, yes it is pointless. However, the bad things that come along with being a good-looking person PALE in comparison to the bad that comes with being considered unattractive. If you're an attractive person you are treated very differently (in a positive way) than an otherwise unattractive people.


I agree that it serves no useful purpose for people to complain about these things, but lets not pretend like good-looking people have a whole lot to deal with as far as weighing the pros and cons. The pros seriously outweigh the cons.

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I'm with Shidoshi here. I almost don't think it's a good idea to post this, but what the heck.


I tend to go for fairly-good looking girls and not for the supermodels because they tend to have better personalities than the hottest girls. They don't have as strong of a sense of entitlement and they know that having a hissy fit won't get them whatever they want - so they learn how to be REAL and classy ladies. Of course, the attractiveness is all relative and it may vary from one location to another and the amount of makeup the girls have on.


For example, a city like Los Angeles or New York has a population of 12 million each, so there are countless hot women who wouldn't be able to go as far without working on their PERSONALITY in LA as they would in other cities with relatively few hot women. We see only 0.1% of these women on TV or in magazines. The other 99.9% don't get anywhere.


Another example, it depends on make up. Take Cameron Diaz for example: when she has makeup on, she's a knockout to most guys. But without the makeup, she's hideous (to me). I've seen a pic of her without her makeup on.


If any of you women out there take offense to this, then I'm sorry. But I stand by my statements. Just keep in mind that personality, grace, and class beats looks 10 times over hands down when it comes to getting the REAL MEN that you really want.


So next time, if a remotely-attractive man approaches you out of the blue, please don't write him off too soon.

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Which is why I get pissed off whenever people complain about how a person is so lucky cause they're good looking. Those people really don't know what it's like to be the other person, so they should just stop judging other people.

As far as people who are jealous and complain about not being as attractive as other people, yes it is pointless. However, the bad things that come along with being a good-looking person PALE in comparison to the bad that comes with being considered unattractive. If you're an attractive person you are treated very differently (in a positive way) than an otherwise unattractive people.


I agree that it serves no useful purpose for people to complain about these things, but lets not pretend like good-looking people have a whole lot to deal with as far as weighing the pros and cons. The pros seriously outweigh the cons.


who do you think pedophiles and rapists usually go after? and keep in mind while a good looking person may get more sexual interest, they do tend to get isolated and criticised (like in this thread) of having less personality or character or being arrogant.


in different stages of my life i have been ugly, good looking, and average. and i can honestly say, that the pros and cons of each category aren't actually many at all, it's how you handle yourself that makes the difference. an average looking person who complains about good looking people being more lucky is not going to do as well as an average looking person who doesn't act like a victim and is more fun to be around.


i can also say that 95% of people can look at least moderately attractive if they knew how to take care of themselves, and found the right style.

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and its so stupid how they keep on trying to hit on me still. you would think that after a few time of getting turned down they'd get it.... but nope..


Now you know how I FEEL, except it's women in my situation. There not always hot I've had a few stalkers too, that wouldn't really leave me alone. I really had to go to the cops about it. I mean seriously when a guy gives girls a weird face if the girl smiles at the guy, take it as a not interested. Same thing for guys smiling at a girl. If a guy tells you to go away, understand it, do it, don't increase the attention and obsessiveness because that guy isn't giving you that attention you crave. I don't know what goes on in some girls heads but seriously if anyone, tells you there not interested in some sub form of a way or directly. Get it through your head it isn't going to work.


I've had 2 stalkers in my life. First one was at age 12, second one at age 13. Maybe the scariest **** I've ever had in my life. Seriously these girls had like written notes to me and stuff and pushed themselves towards me, and I always like backed up (not literally I'm talking about interest wise) and would follow me, find out where I would sit on buses, know who my friends were, would SOMEHOW find out my email and phone # and would write it down in there notebooks or keep around in their binders.


This stuff is scarier then watching the freaking Exorcist.


I think a lot of girls know what I'm talking about....except the other way around.



Oh yeah and dancergirl, try buying a Rick Steves Spanish pocketbook at your local bookstore. Learn a lot of the swears and things relating to your boobs, ***, and legs, it's what those horny guys will be talking about for sure lol.


If they get really harassing like trying to approach you and stuff you should tell someone that can fire them or get them a ticket or something. I don't think a gardening job is much pay other than minimum wage so that ticket will make them think lol.


The easiest way to get these perverts a ticket or locked up is when you have a witness. These guys can be accused of sexual harassment. A while ago in school about 2 years ago, there was a psychologist or some type of counselor come and talk to the class that period about sexual harassment.


She said: "Sexual harassment, can be whether someone makes a facial expression indicating unwanted sexual attention, or a hand gesture, a remark about something about you sexually. The most important thing here is that it's something unwanted sexually. If you have some witnesses or someone like an adult or neighbor around casually you could get these people off your shoulders." But yeah, get some witnesses or your parents outside like reading a newspaper or something while these guys are outside, if your parents or one of them hears it, these guys are in total deep ****. Why don't you tell the police about this stuff? I think they have no tolerance for this stuff and they take it very seriously. Well best of luck, these guys are losers, in the end the only thing they'll be getting is there right hand, .

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Why would she want to charge them with sexual harrasment? These guys probably aren't going to get "locked up" as you say. For a few reasons-


1. She's an adult, so that makes the situation a little different.


2. She's wearing clothing that basically welcomes it.


3. While your definition is true, all they've done is look and say something. And when they do say stuff, they don't force it on her. When the guys said, "Juicy" (What does 'juicy' mean anyway?) they weren't shouting it at her, or trying to get a response. They were just being guys.


Also, the reason why attractive people are being critiscised on this thread is because they sound so arrogant about it.


Now you know how I FEEL, except it's women in my situation. There not always hot . I've had a few stalkers too, that wouldn't really leave me alone. I really had to go to the cops about it. I mean seriously when a guy gives girls a weird face if the girl smiles at the guy, take it as a not interested.


It's pretty rude to give someone a weird face. And yes those girls took it too far and should have given it up . But really, if a girl comes up to you, just tell her you're not interested. Don't give her a weird face- as a teen, things like that can ruin your entire day or self-esteem. You should know that by now, seeing as how a lot of people on this site are so worried that the person's going to give them a nasty look . And why did you need to consult the police, these girls were your age weren't they?


I've had a few guys that asked me out over and over again, or get my number from someone else. They were irritating, but I was never scared, they weren't technically stalkers.


One guy who was 15/16 ish kept grabbing my breast in martial arts class and everytime I had to bow when I came to the end of the mat would try to bow right behind me to look up my skirt- so I stopped wearing skirts and avoided him. He wasn't bad looking, but he was a little odd. I warned him that I'd tell the teacher if he didn't cut it out, so he stopped. So if the gardeners start getting worse you could warn them that they'll be fired.


I had a problem with this 40-something guy who was really creepy and kept coming by the house when my parents weren't home- I just locked the door and hoped he wouldn't get in- he was creepy. He still calls sometimes. I can't stand him. He's a 'friend' of the family and also kept taking my cousin out. She liked him because she was able to get rides to wherever she wanted to go. Whenever he is around he always says, "Look at you, so tall and pretty. Look at your chest it's..."


That is scary!


And as for how I'd rate myself, maybe a 5 or 6. People have told me I'm pretty- but I don't take those comments very seriously. I don't think I'm very attractive, guys look, but they never seem to approach me. And I don't think they're intimidated, just not interested enough to approach me.

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Some guys just won't approach girls because they feel no need to.


I'm fine with or without a girl. I have never made a move to get a girl, never had to.


For some it is also merely the ego. I think that is part of my problem too. My buddies always telling me to hit on such and such, you could have it if you want. I prefer sitting back and waiting for the girl, I think I give them more respect that way.

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And as for how I'd rate myself, maybe a 5 or 6. People have told me I'm pretty- but I don't take those comments very seriously. I don't think I'm very attractive, guys look, but they never seem to approach me. And I don't think they're intimidated, just not interested enough to approach me.


Elila, don't underestimate yourself. If guys aren't approaching you, they are being there usually idiotic and blind selfs. Chances are your alot more attractive then you would admit, and the fact that you are modest about it just makes you more attractive.


As far as good looking, average and all of that... it can be argued and debated forever. But it doesn't change the fact that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Stalkers can go after anyone, it doesn't matter if the general public views you as attractive these people will go after you if they find you attractive. We can all agree that it is a scary thing, and we can all agree that none of us want to be looked at as a piece of meat. Sure, some attention is nice but we don't want it to go overboard. So just be comfortable in your own skin and find yourself attractive.That's the most attractive quality of all, someone who believes in themselves.

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who do you think pedophiles and rapists usually go after?

I think you're misinformed about this. My older sister was molested by our father when she was a little girl. She wasn't even sexually developed yet. Her being "attractive" had nothing to do with it. Any "normal" guy wouldn't be sexually "attracted" to a girl who wasn't even physically mature enough to look the part. My father has serious issues to say the least, but my sister's "attractiveness" (in the normal sense) had absolutely no bearing on his motivations (I've actually talked to him about it). I hardly believe that worrying about being raped because you're good-looking is significant enough to make it a worthy issue. Unless you're living in an extremely harsh environment (maybe a third-world country where girls are made into sex slaves or something).

and keep in mind while a good looking person may get more sexual interest, they do tend to get isolated and criticised (like in this thread) of having less personality or character or being arrogant.

I don't know what anyone looks like on this board, they could be lying for all I know. You pretty much get criticized based on what you SAY. Some good-looking people do fit the stereotypes they're associated with as far as personality, but I don't judge them all that way. "Beauty" is subjective enough for people to believe and act the part, even if others don't agree with it. I know a few girls I don't find all that attractive myself, but they believe themselves to be (of course I don't tell them this).

in different stages of my life i have been ugly, good looking, and average. and i can honestly say, that the pros and cons of each category aren't actually many at all, it's how you handle yourself that makes the difference.

That's why I believe complaining about it is counter-productive. However, there are significant advantages in being considered attractive by most people. You can even read about some scientific studys done on how we has human beings treat each other based on physical beauty, I'm sure you wouldn't be surprised.

an average looking person who complains about good looking people being more lucky is not going to do as well as an average looking person who doesn't act like a victim and is more fun to be around.

I agree.

i can also say that 95% of people can look at least moderately attractive if they knew how to take care of themselves, and found the right style.

I agree with this also.

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who do you think pedophiles and rapists usually go after?

I think you're misinformed about this. My older sister was molested by our father when she was a little girl. She wasn't even sexually developed yet. Her being "attractive" had nothing to do with it. Any "normal" guy wouldn't be sexually "attracted" to a girl who wasn't even physically mature enough to look the part. My father has serious issues to say the least, but my sister's "attractiveness" (in the normal sense) had absolutely no bearing on his motivations (I've actually talked to him about it). I hardly believe that worrying about being raped because you're good-looking is significant enough to make it a worthy issue. Unless you're living in an extremely harsh environment (maybe a third-world country where girls are made into sex slaves or something).

You do have to remember that attraction is in the eye of the beholder. And that pedophiles do find those children attractive. It is also the case that a pedophile will usually victimise the "better looking" children.


and keep in mind while a good looking person may get more sexual interest, they do tend to get isolated and criticised (like in this thread) of having less personality or character or being arrogant.

I don't know what anyone looks like on this board, they could be lying for all I know. You pretty much get criticized based on what you SAY. Some good-looking people do fit the stereotypes they're associated with as far as personality, but I don't judge them all that way. "Beauty" is subjective enough for people to believe and act the part, even if others don't agree with it. I know a few girls I don't find all that attractive myself, but they believe themselves to be (of course I don't tell them this).


I'm not talking about people bashing people on this board, but people bashing attractive people in general here. There was that comment about how very attractive people have less personality than slightly less attractive people. Maybe you don't, but it's true that in general, most people do pigeon hole other people like this if they're very attractive, and there are similar pigeon holes for people who are very smart, very rich, etc.


And what really are the disadvantages of being average looking? I think average looking people are actually more approachable. A lot of people get intimidated by friendly hottie whereas a friendly "normal looking" person is easier to approach. In my own personal experience, most of the girls who approached me were ones with boyfriends already, and I think that this was because having a boyfriend, that even though they didn't seem to care about much, made them feel more confident.

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What does 'juicy' mean anyway?


lol. seriously.. what does it mean?? i think the company was started by two women who wanted to make clothing that were cute and comfortable for girls. but why name it juicy??? and i honestly dont encourage any guy to buy their clothes even though they make really nice men's clothing. its just weird when a guy wears something by juicy....

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