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well I guess I should rephrase that... they need exercise, and most should have at least an hour of outside exercise a day. Given that, most owners utilize that hour by riding them. ... but you can turnout your horse or let him run wild in the arena, (which is always fun) or you can ride him Horses are very prone to stomach disease if they are not exercised. It's very important that they move around alot. If you ever part of a stable... you will see people there daily and always on the weekends. I would love to have a home with enough acres to have a horse in my back yard... but I don't think that dream is going to happen


Don't say it won't happen...life can change at the drop of a hat. Each one of us has learned that, for sure! I just try and keep the belief that it can change at the drop of the hat for the *better* - lol.

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well I guess I should rephrase that... they need exercise, and most should have at least an hour of outside exercise a day. Given that, most owners utilize that hour by riding them. ... but you can turnout your horse or let him run wild in the arena, (which is always fun) or you can ride him Horses are very prone to stomach disease if they are not exercised. It's very important that they move around alot. If you ever part of a stable... you will see people there daily and always on the weekends. I would love to have a home with enough acres to have a horse in my back yard... but I don't think that dream is going to happen


Sounds like fun


Good for you and congrats on that horse (if you get it)

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Happy New Year Everyone!


I feel a bit better today ... Just not trying to be sad anymore and think of the past too much. I try to focus most of my time on what she did to me and how she disrespected me.


On New Years Eve at 12:03 am, she texted me this:


"Happy New Year. I wish you all the good things that life has to offer. Taking my dad to the aero port. Exciting. Anyway, be well."


I know it's not a mass text message that everyone sends out on New Years ... but whatever ... I got a little sad reading it, because I wanted to reply back right away, but did not because she doesn't deserve me or deserve to know what I'm doing or how I'm doing. I deserve better, and I'm gonna go and get it!

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Happy New Year Everyone!


I feel a bit better today ... Just not trying to be sad anymore and think of the past too much. I try to focus most of my time on what she did to me and how she disrespected me.


On New Years Eve at 12:03 am, she texted me this:


"Happy New Year. I wish you all the good things that life has to offer. Taking my dad to the aero port. Exciting. Anyway, be well."


I know it's not a mass text message that everyone sends out on New Years ... but whatever ... I got a little sad reading it, because I wanted to reply back right away, but did not because she doesn't deserve me or deserve to know what I'm doing or how I'm doing. I deserve better, and I'm gonna go and get it!


congrats zrehman!! Day 4 is awesome!!


Having your ex texting makes it double hard I'm sure... I was not challeneged with that. I am out of sight, out of mind with my ex... I just have to work on not texting him or calling... I don't think I will ever have to worry about him contacting me... oh well.


Well congrats on day 4!! Be strong. If you really want to heal and detach from her, NC is the only way... or you will just stay in the craziness and it will never get better.


Good work!

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congrats zrehman!! Day 4 is awesome!!


Having your ex texting makes it double hard I'm sure... I was not challeneged with that. I am out of sight, out of mind with my ex... I just have to work on not texting him or calling... I don't think I will ever have to worry about him contacting me... oh well.


Well congrats on day 4!! Be strong. If you really want to heal and detach from her, NC is the only way... or you will just stay in the craziness and it will never get better.


Good work!


Thanks! I am doing my best everyday and you guys help a lot!


How many days has it been for you? Did your ex text you on New Years or Xmas?

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Thanks! I am doing my best everyday and you guys help a lot!


How many days has it been for you? Did your ex text you on New Years or Xmas?


I think I'm at 33 days today. Did my ex text?... are you kidding!! He would never give me so much pleasure. I am being punished I'm sure... his passive aggressiveness at best. It's okay... I have horrible moments for sure... I cry and want to call him, but I cannot. He is a pure jeckyl/hyde type guy... I would never call him or show up at his door... I would not know who I'd might get... and I need to protect myself from that. NC is the absolute best thing for me... I broke it once, and it was bad bad bad... I cannot go through that again.


... but 6mo from now... I doubt I will be having these bad moments... and THAT's what I need to focus on!!

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I think I'm at 33 days today. Did my ex text?... are you kidding!! He would never give me so much pleasure. I am being punished I'm sure... his passive aggressiveness at best. It's okay... I have horrible moments for sure... I cry and want to call him, but I cannot. He is a pure jeckyl/hyde type guy... I would never call him or show up at his door... I would not know who I'd might get... and I need to protect myself from that. NC is the absolute best thing for me... I broke it once, and it was bad bad bad... I cannot go through that again.


... but 6mo from now... I doubt I will be having these bad moments... and THAT's what I need to focus on!!


I like that last sentence. You know you and I are in the same boat


It is day 39 for me and I'm still coming to terms with moving on. It something that is hard for me to accept and realizing this, I wonder if talking to a therapist in the new year might help. Reading some other threads make me realize that the difficulty I am having is this rejection may have to do with other types of social rejection I went through growing up (I was teased quite a lot as a pre-teen/teen). I never dated much and never though anyone found my attractive before my ex did.


Now rationally, I know I am attractive and have a lot to offer, but my stupid heart sometimes tells me if that were the case then the ex wouldn't have dumped me. Stupid thoughts, yes, but sometimes they are harder to chase away.


NC does make me stronger. It helps me accept that life no longer involves my ex. And while it is hard, each day will made my heart see it is the case and someday my heart will finally get the message

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I think I'm at 33 days today. Did my ex text?... are you kidding!! He would never give me so much pleasure. I am being punished I'm sure... his passive aggressiveness at best. It's okay... I have horrible moments for sure... I cry and want to call him, but I cannot. He is a pure jeckyl/hyde type guy... I would never call him or show up at his door... I would not know who I'd might get... and I need to protect myself from that. NC is the absolute best thing for me... I broke it once, and it was bad bad bad... I cannot go through that again.


... but 6mo from now... I doubt I will be having these bad moments... and THAT's what I need to focus on!!


Damn right! Couldn't have said it better! You will be A-OK ... time will heal everything!


You deserve better!

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Happy New Year Everyone!


I feel a bit better today ... Just not trying to be sad anymore and think of the past too much. I try to focus most of my time on what she did to me and how she disrespected me.


On New Years Eve at 12:03 am, she texted me this:


"Happy New Year. I wish you all the good things that life has to offer. Taking my dad to the aero port. Exciting. Anyway, be well."


I know it's not a mass text message that everyone sends out on New Years ... but whatever ... I got a little sad reading it, because I wanted to reply back right away, but did not because she doesn't deserve me or deserve to know what I'm doing or how I'm doing. I deserve better, and I'm gonna go and get it!


Hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Great job not replying! I shut my phone off, just in case. But I woke up and no text. I was a little sad, but I know she was thinking about me.

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My ex said to a mutual friend that she is going to call me cause she needs to tell me "something" (and yesterday she wanted to spend new year's eve with our mutual friends and ME...I guess she is really stupid).

I think she is getting mad at me cause all our mutual friends are by my side now. Maybe she thinks that I have been telling lies to drive them to me. I'm kinda anxious right now...but I realized that when I don't think about her and I think about me I feel GOOD. I'm gonna stick to NC no matter what, even if it's going to make me lose every chance of getting back with her...

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I'm glad to see you guys are doing better! NC is the key


As for me. I'm on day I don't care lol


When I stopped counting the days I knew I was getting better All i know is that the last day I text her it was a Friday in November and I was at work. Last time she text me was Christmas. Mad me mad, but I got over that quick!


Stay strong guys!

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My ex said to a mutual friend that she is going to call me cause she needs to tell me "something" (and yesterday she wanted to spend new year's eve with our mutual friends and ME...I guess she is really stupid).

I think she is getting mad at me cause all our mutual friends are by my side now. Maybe she thinks that I have been telling lies to drive them to me. I'm kinda anxious right now...but I realized that when I don't think about her and I think about me I feel GOOD. I'm gonna stick to NC no matter what, even if it's going to make me lose every chance of getting back with her...


Let me ask you this ... do you want to get back with her? Do you think she might change?


If you don't think she will change or realize the importance in your life, than you have to do NC and move on.


But if you think she might realize her mistakes and might change as a person, than see what's up ... but only you can decide that ... you know how she works a lot better than us.

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I don't know, I really don't know what's going on in her mind. She has changed in the past month - due to new friends, new self-esteem boost, new view on life maybe - but when we were together she was always the girl I used to know and love. The moment she dumped me, I didn't recognize her anymore and I still don't. I don't know who's the "real" her anymore, the somewhat needy but supersweet, generous and lovely girl I spent 2.5 years with or the self-confident hot chick I am seeing now.

The latter is more attractive but I wouldn't want to get back with her cause it's not the girl I fell in love with.


I feel like I really can't do anything now. I have my (huge) faults but there is a reason if she dumped me with the line "it's not you it's me". She has changed. It may be just a phase, it may be not. I'll stick to NC in order to heal and move on from her.

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Hey bud, I think you would know the right thing to do and you should always go with your instincts about a situation like this. Just take a step back, and look at the situation from outside the box and hopefully that might bring some clarity to you on this situation.


I'll be honest, I changed. I was bad to my ex in the beginning and when she did NC for 3 weeks, I lost my mind! I realized what an ass I was, and I pursued her like a stalker until she would hear me out ... when she did and we were back together (finally) ... I was a changed man in the relationship and treated her like GOLD and valued her. But in the end, I got * * * * ted on lol - ironic?

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I was talking to a co-worker yesterday that I always used to joke around with before I met my ex. She asked what me and her were doing for New Year's. I told her about the break-up and she gave me a high five. She told me she hated my ex since I met her because since I met her, I'd changed, I was moving too fast and I was miserable, not wanting to talk to anyone at work. I didn't see it, but they all did. She said she hopes I feel better, and that she can't wait for the old me to return. Neither can I

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Day 5


What's up gang?! Well its Day 5 for me. I'm feeling 50/50 today I would say. I get urges were I start to miss my ex A LOT! But then I get these urges were I don't miss her and am glad we are not together.


I realized 1 thing yesterday. I don't have to wake up not knowing what's gonna happen anymore. I don't have to wake up and then during the day get into an argument with my ex. I don't have to wake up and feel obligated to anyone. I can just do me.


I'm trying hard to put my left foot in front of my right foot and move forward. I believe that NC will work and help me get through this because you guys say so. I don't know how that will happen, but I'm putting my trust in you guys because you were there for me when I was down and lost.


Keep my fingers crossed and hoping for the best!

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Im on day 5 of NC.Fellings going totally crazy.Yesterday I was so mad at him for had not contacted me or answered me when I tried to contact him last time that I just wanted to forget about him.But today the whole urge to contact him is back again.I have been thinking on sugest him to stay in contact,not to get back together,just to hear from him.But that is stupid, since he havent showed any interest in having me back on his life.But I cant help felling it and it pisses me off for care so much for somebody that seems to not care about me.

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Im on day 5 of NC.Fellings going totally crazy.Yesterday I was so mad at him for had not contacted me or answered me when I tried to contact him last time that I just wanted to forget about him.But today the whole urge to contact him is back again.I have been thinking on sugest him to stay in contact,not to get back together,just to hear from him.But that is stupid, since he havent showed any interest in having me back on his life.But I cant help felling it and it pisses me off for care so much for somebody that seems to not care about me.


Hey Carol!


Hang in there! I know exactly how your feeling. I have the same thoughts running through my head at 100 mph!!


Just remember that YOU and I both desreve better. We don't deserve to be treated like this. I can guarantee you that if you stick to NC, it will get easier. But you also have to focus your mind to move on and you have to train your mind that you deserve better!


You don't want to get back with your ex and than few weeks or months down the line, he pulls another stunt like this! There are tons of guys that are good and will treat you right! Just focus on yourself right now and start the NEW YEAR right

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Hey Carol!


Hang in there! I know exactly how your feeling. I have the same thoughts running through my head at 100 mph!!


Just remember that YOU and I both desreve better. We don't deserve to be treated like this. I can guarantee you that if you stick to NC, it will get easier. But you also have to focus your mind to move on and you have to train your mind that you deserve better!


You don't want to get back with your ex and than few weeks or months down the line, he pulls another stunt like this! There are tons of guys that are good and will treat you right! Just focus on yourself right now and start the NEW YEAR right


Hi thanks for the support Good to know you are better today

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Hi thanks for the support Good to know you are better today


Outside I'm happy and smiling .. Inside I am upset and missing her!


But I can't keep being down about her, I am trying to force myself to be happy and to move forward.


Eventually, I won't have to force myself to be happy and I will no longer miss her.


If I can do it and so can others ... you can too!

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Yeah zrehman that's my plan too. It doesn't matter how much we are hurt inside or missing our ex's, we have to force ourselves to go out, have fun and meet new people! I miss her A LOT but I put a smiley face and try to be the funny guy I used to be instead of the depressed version of myself I have been showing for the first weeks...just in case I meet the right girl!!

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im on day 5 aswell,

as i posted elsewhere i am NC but i still am checking his facebook which i guess breaks the rules.

i keep replaying good times we had again and again, this is the biggest thing that upsets me.

im shocked so many men on the site feel same way as me, i knowu all have feelings too but i thought u brushed it aside morethan us women.

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im on day 5 aswell,

as i posted elsewhere i am NC but i still am checking his facebook which i guess breaks the rules.

i keep replaying good times we had again and again, this is the biggest thing that upsets me.

im shocked so many men on the site feel same way as me, i knowu all have feelings too but i thought u brushed it aside morethan us women.


Jerk Chicken - cute


Hun, I'm the same way as you. I miss my ex and think about her constantly and play the good times in my head over and over again.


But if I continue to do that and check facebook/myspace/pics, etc.. I'm gonna feel the same way I'm feeling right now everyday for a long time.


You look beautiful from your pic and with time when you heal and become stronger through this ... your prince will be right there and you will look back and laugh at this current break up.


Be strong and post on here ... I check everyday all day for new posts on this thread ... We are here for you cutie!

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