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she asked for some time and space as she is unable to find happiness in anything


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If everything has been fine and this seemed out of the blue, then there is probably more to it than she's telling you. 

And you're right that in times of distress and difficulty, solid couples tend to lean into each other. Not away from each other, to the point of being unable to commit anymore.

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iI was sick that day, but I got an injection and somehow went to her house to surprise her

All her friends were there too but she was fine for me like always

but then she told me when she was asking for time that you did almost everything for me, but still I wasn't happy at my birthday, I feel like she doesn't want to show people that she isn't happy.

Was it some kind of hard phase in our relationship which we can overcome with time or this time it's not in our hand?


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I'm sorry, I know you wanted something positive but the thing is, if she lost her mother a year ago but only now she's saying she wants space and can't commit, why now? I'm not saying she should be over it just because it's been a year but this just seems very sudden. Maybe the "break up" doesn't only have to do with her mother's death. I think unfortunately you have to respect what your girlfriend asked. You just don't really have any other choice because it's what she wants. I think you could say to her how much you love her and that you're always here for her if she needs you. But there isn't much else you can do unfortunately.

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2 hours ago, Biki said:

iI was sick that day, but I got an injection and somehow went to her house to surprise her

All her friends were there too but she was fine for me like always

but then she told me when she was asking for time that you did almost everything for me, but still I wasn't happy at my birthday, I feel like she doesn't want to show people that she isn't happy.

Was it some kind of hard phase in our relationship which we can overcome with time or this time it's not in our hand?


Was her mother sick or ill when you first met each other? You could be a part of that time and unfortunately the relationship wasn't as deep or committed as you thought because of other things ongoing at the time. She's describing to you that she's not happy as a person, with herself or who she is. Frankly she sounds confused and conflicted and if you are really not sure and have no clue about what's going on time out and reflect for awhile. 

Use that time to think about whether you want her in your life too.

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I am unable to concentrate on anything from the last two days..I have so many dreams for her which now I think is shattered. It will be really  not at all easy for me if I have to parted with her forever.

Not telling here anything about her now

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6 minutes ago, Biki said:

I am unable to concentrate on anything from the last two days.

She seems quite disappointed that you didn't bother for her bday. You know that's what this is about because she "wants space" a couple of days later.

While she could be more forthcoming and spell it out, but you need to have insight as well..

Get to a doctor for your anxiety/depression. It seems like you know this is a really breakup and that is why you are upset.

Why can't you simply ask if she was disappointed by your bday stunt?

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