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Robbed twice in 2 weeks and it’s hijacked my brain

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First someone lifted two expensive mixing consoles from the front seat of my van (in the drive, not locked, bad habit.) That’s $6k out the door but I was glad they didn’t take the whole car or the rest of the audio gear or my laptop. 

Two weeks later to the day my laptop is gone from my desk in the morning. So is my Apple Watch, a couple of days later I realise my old iPhone is no where to be found either. On discovery day I use find my phone and see the watch is at a strange address in another suburb. It’s not enough information for the police to visit though. In fact, the cops really sucked on d day, first two I tried to report the theft (over the phone and then at a useless station) to wouldn’t make a report because my housemates were home and it’s all just a bit too suspicious isn’t it?! Second police station took me seriously and took down the serial numbers of my laptop and watch and said the address is a huge apartment complex and you probably won’t get those items back.

I keep looking online hoping to see them for sale but nope. I want them to come back a third time and be caught on cameras they can’t see so I’ve been doing lots of searching for good camera options and ways to hide them. I want them to come back a third time and take my replacement laptop but really it’s dead with a proper car tracker hidden inside and it can lead me back to them with accuracy so I can get everything else back. But how do I con them into thinking im still lax with security so they take the bait? Not keen on leaving the front door open. But surely a laptop on a porch is too good to be true and no one would fall for that! Do I bring the van back out and leave it on the seat again?!!!

This is taking up so much space in my brain and I hate it!

 And to ice the cake, I asked the staff at the Apple store about accuracy of the gps today and they said ‘all you can do is brick the devices’. So I don’t get to enjoy them and neither does the thief. I kind of want to knock on the 4 apartment doors that line up with the address and ask them if they found anything. Not accuse of theft, play the best faith card. Show them the location on the find my phone app and see what shakes loose but then they’ll know I know their address so they won’t come back a third time. If they don’t come back a third time I can’t trick them into taking the dead laptop containing a tracker 

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4 hours ago, 1a1a said:

Second police station took me seriously and took down the serial numbers of my laptop and watch and said the address is a huge apartment complex and you probably won’t get those items back.

What? That doesn't even make sense. A thief is a thief. What does the apartment complex has to do with this?

Try another police station or call the police and see what they advise over the phone.

DO NOT go too where the thiefs might be located. You have no idea who you'd be dealing with. Just buy new items, a camera, and always lock your van.

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Dont "bait" them and pursue justice on your own. Thieves are people without moral scrupule so if they can steal you can bet they will protect themselves in any way they can. That means either beating you up or worst. 

What you do is tighten your own security. Alarm, cameras, stuff like that. And please lock your stuff from now on, as you can see, you never know if somebody would take advantage and steal them.

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All you can do is get a better security system for your vehicle.

Get a video and motion sensor lighting style alarm for your home.

Don't leave expensive items in view in a vehicle. Lock it in a compartment.

Always insure expensive items through your homeowners or renters insurance. 

Follow up on police reports with the appropriate jurisdiction.

 Keep track of the value of the stolen items and write it off your taxes.

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Please don't do self help. Do what Wiseman said.  We have a lot of crime around here including stolen pets because people leave their vehicle unlocked "for just a minute".  And lots of porch pirates from what I hear. I've been a crime victim in the past and it feels so violating.  I'm sorry.  You've done all you can and I would just do your utmost to let it go -not worth the stress and now you will lock your van so that's a silver lining of sorts.  

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Where I live you MUST have renter’s insurance and if you own you have no choice you must also carry insurance. However , if you leave your car unlocked and your house unlocked I imagine it voids your insurance. I am absolutely fanatical about checking locks after we had 2 break ins as a kid.  And our houses WERE locked. 

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11 hours ago, 1a1a said:

How did you all shift your thinking from recovery attempts to letting go?

(I’m guessing having insurance would help with that)

Sometimes it's just as simple as the cliche counting your blessings but in a habitual way -at a certain time of day -for me it is right before bed - think of three good things/things you are grateful for.  Obviously your head will keep working on recovery strategies but you can notice those thoughts and not react.

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13 hours ago, 1a1a said:

How did you all shift your thinking from recovery attempts to letting go?


Because most of us has a common sense to know what happens when you pursue justice on your own? Unless you are like that guy from "Nobody" who would catch thieves at their home and return his stuff by force(simply because he is literally like "John Wick" and can kill them in an instant), you going to their appartment complex to search for your stuff(that are probably sold very quickly for lot less then they worth) would not end good for you. Neither will your attempts to "bait" them. That is something police should be doing, not you. Your preoccupation should be to protect yourself so that wouldnt happen again. That means what most of people said to you, alarms and cameras.

I understand that you think its your stuff that you probably worked very hard for, and that its injustice. I hate thieves too, consider them lowest of the low. However, you need to understand that there is nothing you can do except reporting a robbery(which you did). You dont know if your stuff is there at all, who are the thieves, are they the same as the first time or even would they come back. All you know is that its injustice and that you should do something about it. Which would maybe work in an ideal world or a Hollywood movie. Unfortunately, real life isnt that. In real life, injustices often go unpunished. You obsessing over it, and how you will catch them and return your stuff, wont do you any good in the long track. And it wont return your stuff because the fact is that they are gone and probably even sold by now. I am sorry that I tell you that because I know that you cant accept it right now with "vigilante justice" in your mind. But its how it is and I think that you should work toward acceptance of that. Because any other solution just isnt very plausible in reality and will just bring harm to your mental or even physical health if you decide to go to altercation with them. I am sorry, but that is how it is.

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