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tangled between friend and his girlfriend....

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Ok to make it sort of short.... for the last couple of months my friend and I havent really gotten along all this well. So i decided to move on until he wanted to act differently and i found new friends... and he talked to me about it and he is sortof jelous..... he moved on with his life aswell and has been dating this girl for 2 weeks. He is white and she is mixed (black/white)


ever since they first started dating he has suspected her having a crush on me and me having one on her also... i have told him 10 million times that i dont and he wont believe me, he even commented on how im a "backstabbing ,kniving ,untrustwory, terrible person" to my face and said "i never trusted you, never did, and never will and i never really did like you" (i wonder if he was just angry or if he really meant it)... which i let blow over. I would talk to her when she talked to me to be polite and it always made him very angry so i tried to limit contact with her.


Now... he has shut out everyone and the only person in his life is her, no one likes him anymore and he has no friends.... and tonight she called me up and told me that she likes me and wants to hook up.... shes going ot break up with him this weekend.... and i feel terrible because this guy is so in love with her (i think its lust, but just by what he says i'll call it "love") and if they broke up and she dated me - imagine the pain he would feel.... but she told me "i want to know if you will date me because if you wont, then i dont want to break up with him".... so i really dont know what to tell my friend... this is not fair, if she doenst like him as much as she should then she shouldnt be leading the poor guy on like this... and if i talk to him i doubt he will believe me since he already thinks im trying to sabotage their relationship. Plus if he talks to her about it and she denies it, then hes going to believe her and they will tell their friends and everyone is going to be mad at me, all because im trying to watch out for him..... i could really just use some advice right about now.... thanks in advance...

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I would say to her that you don't want to go out with her and that you can't believe she would say that to you. She is very unhonrable and genrally speaking from what I can get from the infomation you have relayed is not even worth your friends time.


If it was me I'd tell him and say, if you don't want to believe me then don't. If he goes spreading rumours about you and other people get angry to you and don't listen to your point of veiw are they really friends worth having? Your looking out for a friend, why should you let her make you a bad friend?

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