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I am so confused. You see, I have only been dating guys. But when I masterbate, I use images of girls. And yesterday, when I took a nap after mstbting, I had a dream that my bff had sex with me. And OMG it turned me on! But, I have never been attracted to a girl b4. And the fact that she is strait. I need some advice... but I can't go to my parents... their outlook on samesex relationships is that it is morally, and spiritually wrong. Any advice for the firstimer?



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It doesnt necessarily mean you're les. At your age there is a lot going on emotionally and you will find yourself dealing with situations like this. My best advice is to take it for what it is, just a dream, and not worry too much about it. It's just one of those things. You are really only just starting to discover who you really are and things like this are a part of finding that out.

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I think it is normal to have a sexual fantasy. I think you may be bi-sexual

however if you are attracted to both guys and girls. It does not mean you have anything wrong with you, it means you are attracted to both sexes.


What is considered normal in todays world anyway ?


Good luck





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Fantasies are fantasies. You can fantasy about being chained and whipped by squirells if you want.


F uck labels. A lesbian will even fantasize about men every once in awhile. Labels mean nothing and only hinder conscious thought.


Amen... And, damn, you know, everyone's a little bi.

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