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Talking Dirty...Moving too Fast?

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Okay I was wondering....


I had never heard of "talking dirty" before...My boyfriend and I were talking on the phone and I was trying to get him to tel me something and he was like "I'll tell you if you talk dirty to me."


My sexual experiences are nonexistent and he had to explain to me what "talking dirty" meant...


We've been dating for about three weeks now but have known each other way longer...


He said he figured I didn't know what that meant but he was hoping I would...Then later he said he was just joking.


Would you say its too soon for this and if not...how would one go about doing that?


I would have no idea where to start!!! HELP ME PLEASE!

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I think this is way too soon for something like this, and your too young anyways! Hes just being a horny guy right now and wanting a girl to give him fuel for his desires. If you don't feel comfortable doing this then put your foot down right away and tell him no, your not going to do that. If he really likes you that shouldn't matter. On the other hand, if you really want to do it, I wouldn't really recommend it, but I guess there is no one to stop you. Just know that saying those things will probably lead to him wanting you to say it more and more and possibly wanting something to happen in person. All I'm saying is watch your back with this, because you might be stepping into a world your not ready to be in yet.

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Like most things in a relationship, it's entirely up to you to decide if something is too soon or not. Would you be comfortable talking dirty to your boyfriend? As for actually talking dirty, I've never done it so I can't really help. Just remember to go at your own pace, and don't worry about what your boyfriend will think if you don't want to do something. If he's a decent guy, he'll understand.


Hope that helps.

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If it doesnt feel right or if you ever unsure about something, this is your chance to take a step back, listen to your gut and say NO. If you want a relationship then you need to build a relationship first. So let it build up to this. You'll know when you feel comfortable doing this that you're ready. Dont ever let somebody make you feel like you owe it to them. They should respect your choices.


And his choice to bring into such a thing so soon was very immature on his part, I'd have to say.

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Tell him to keep it in his pants- too young! I went out with some guy for awhile, and everytime we were on the phone it was,"So, what color panties are you wearin?" Yuck. If he keeps on doing it and doesn't listen to you, dump him. But if he's smart, he'll listen and not try to force it.

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Dirty Talk comes with time and experimentation. My fiance and I have been together for 16 months and I'm still not always comfortable talking dirty. If I feel right and it's the right time and scenario, it's no problem. But on occasion I get shy or feel silly. I would say take it at YOUR pace. If you don't feel like it, don't do it. However, if you DO... go for it!

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