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Whats something crazy you've done after a breakup?

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What's some of the craziest thing you've done as the dumpee? Did you regret doing it?


Did you tell others about your breakup and the reasons why and did the dumper get mad at you for doing so?


Do we as a dumpee at one point in time or another have we all done something insane?


Do the dumpers eventually get over it? Forget? Or hold a grudge?


I think for me I told mutual friends and a few family members that my ex met someone else while we were still together and that's why we broke up. I was angry. He's angry at me I'm assuming because now the image of the nice guy he was trying to portray...isn't there any longer.


Why do you think we do these things?


Here's what things I am thinking for the list:

* Stalking/drive bys/snooping

* begging / pleading

* lying about something to keep them


anything else? or something that you personally did that you are ashamed of or regret? And was that the last time you communicated with the ex because of it even if they were at fault for the end of the relationship?

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hmmmmmmm..... well I didn't do anything like that. but after a particularly hard breakup I bought myself a new car. It was an expensive way to deal with my heartache!


I have been on the receiving end of stalking after a breakup though, not fun.

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The worst thing I have done after a bad breakup was sending a text message to my ex's new girlfriend telling her some of the bads things he did to me when we were in our relationship.


This is the first time I have ever done something like this, and I would never, ever, ever, ever do something like this again! It made me feel so stupid and petty. I think the crazy things you think of doing should be just that "thoughts" as acting on these thoughts just makes you feel even worse about the situation. My ex called me immediately after me sending that message and wasn't mad at me at all, which made me feel even worse about the situation and gave me even more hope that there was a chance of reconciliation. He continued to contact me and emotionally blackmail me telling me he still loved me etc... and I think he did this so he could leave the door open just incase it didn't work out with the next girl.


I ended up closing the door by threatening him if he contacted me again I would get a restraining order out on him. Close the door and look forward to the new future you will have without this person. One day when the time is right you will get over it and move on.


Don't do anything crazy as you will regret it.

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I snooped when i thought he was cheating (and finally found out i was right). I got a little crazy in the beginning of the break up. Had moments of screaming and fits of anxiety and I scared him with my behavior because he was always used to me level headed and calm and cool not the crazy woman he was now seeing.


What else, I didn't slash tires or anything that crazy!! I did wonder what my ex would think about my behavior until recently..... But now I just don't care what he thinks. Oh I begged & pleaded & tried to bargin & manipulate the situation in my favor.


I think I had the capability of doing some really really crazy stuff but I never considered stalking.

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I did a couple of crazy/stupid things after my 5 year breakup. First thing was not eating anything for a few days and almost passed out. I would actually forget to eat and I wasn't hungry at all. (I guess this is why I advise many people to drink Ensure after a breakup if they don't have an appetite).


Second really stupid thing I did was drink a whole bottle of wine. It was about a month after my breakup and I attended a friends wedding by myself. My ex was supposed to go with me, but of course she wasn't supposed to be my ex by the time the wedding came. Anyways, I drank a whole bottle of wine, could not drive and knew I couldn't, so I passed out in my car which was parked near an ATM machine. All night, cars would pull in and out while I slept off the drunkeness of the wine I had. Woke up the next morning and drove home. Haven't had a glass of wine since then either ironically.

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I kinda did the begging / pleading thing, telling her i love her etc...Pathetic


I only told my 2 closest friends (one being online friend, the other pretty much just online friend too since she moved to another country) that she has cheated on me and all the bad things she has done. To everyone else i just said love died over time and we didn't get along well anymore. because i still love her and don't want people to think bad of her and then she feel uncomfortable around people.


I did check her mails once didn't really stalk her beside that.


But, the guy that she cheated on me with, and that is with her now, I got his email adress, and somehow found a forum where he sometime posts from that. That forum being an hold version of phpbb forum (ie : full of security holes) i somewhat hacked to get admin access and see the IP adress with which he posted. Ok so then with his IP adress i wanted to hack through his computer. Eventually read his msn log with my ex, cause i'm pretty sure they have been chatting on msn when she was still with me and wanted to know from when she started cheating on me, then format his HD... But i didn't, even tho my friend says i should cause he is a *Insert whatever bad word her*

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I did something quite shameful actually, and I can't even say it over the internet its that shameful. I will regret it for the rest of my life, but at that time, I felt so rejected that it was the only thing that made me feel "not rejected".


I know now I will never do it again, because the price you pay for the guilt you feel is too much.

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A few days ago I kept asking my ex over and over if we could try again, he said he didn't love me anymore but I just can't believe it. It hurts so bad. Right now I can't sleep much and the sleep I do get is very fitful. I cry all the time. Theres this heavy ache in my heart. I can't eat either, its been about 5 days now since I've eaten anything. I just have no appitite and I feel so naustous and sick to my stomach.I don't know what to do, it was an online relationship only and I know others have been hurt by online ones like this, but I can't see how anyone could ever be hurt as much as I am. I feel completely and utterly alone, like theres no one in the world who can understand.

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If I've been mistreated in the break up process, I've only gone and cussed them out, give them a piece of my mind, and just take all my hurt, anger, pain and frustration out on them

No smashing up cars, stalking girlfriends, or anything like that....oh actually I have slapped 3 guys around the face forgot about that

The first 1 I felt bad about, the other 2 I felt justified.

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I've never done anything bad personally but I've had plenty of stuff done to me. One of my exes that I lived with for a while slashed my clothes to ribbons when I ended the relationship and would not let me have my stuff back like my computer, sound system, TV etc..

He eventually gave my computer back and was ordered to pay me $2000 in compensation which I never got.


I'm very happily married now but I still find myself getting furious when I think about what happened because I know that I did nothing wrong and nothing to deserve that. I am a firm believer in 'what goes around comes around' but the fact that I'll never KNOW that he got his comeuppance really burns me and the fact that he will never know how happy I am now and how he was not even a fleck of dust compared to my husband annoys me too.


I suppose what really gets to me is that I didn't 'get him back' for what he did and find myself fantasising sometimes that someone will beat him up and he will be left paraplegic as a result and will have to suffer the indignity of having a big ol fat nurse wipe his bottom for the rest of his life.


How can I get rid of this anger? Sometimes I will get so angry that I want to scream and talking about it doesn't help either that just gets me even angrier! I know they say time is a healer but this anger is not dissipating as it has now been almost three years since this happened.


What should I do? Arrange ot have him killed? LOL - maybe not.

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I cussed him alot, all the names under the sun, i posted a long smart letter on some forum that he and all his mates girls and boys were members of about what he did and all the bad things he was saying behind their backs about them(that felt real gooooooooooooooooooooood).


Called his house all night and hung up when his mum picked it up who was quite poorly(feel bad about that),

then i tried another method, anybody seen 'the grudge' Jpanese horror?, well i made that weird croaky noise over the phone when he picked it up, but you know what he found it funny because he knew we watched that film together and he knew how I impersonated that part all the time ever since..oh well that didnt work. lol...


i dont regret cussing him but the rest i did, I felt like I was possessed at the time....

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Dear God....this is a dangerous forum lol!!

I am ashamed to say I have in fact done some nasty things ...

mostly juvenile stuff..prank calls, call and hang up, I found out this guy

was lying to me about seeing someone else...who happened to be a girl I despised...so of course stupid me...after a six pack or.. two lol..spray painted HER car lol.

Just so you know I have matured quite a bit since..but I admit at the time it WAS gratifying seeing her drive around with the word SL** on the side of her car. lol

I won't advise anyone to EVER do any of these things...

living well is indeed the best revenge

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omg that's classic. but bad! shame shame shame! but classic!


the thoughts have crossed my mind i won't lie - but i've totally kept em there in my imagination. i figured karma would catch him.


i think for me, this is the only ex that i felt like that with. the other ones who left me...even though we were only together for short periods of time, i felt bad and miserable and had loads of self pity but i think that even though they did me wrong i was like "ok. whatever. jerk."


this is a great forum! i thought it was just me that went through this. well not completely but...i was like why am i having all these crazy thoughts and having these crazy emotions (not acted on but...like i said thought about)


ooo ooo I gotta question I think it was asked/answer all ready? has anybody here been forgiven for their...past bad deeds or did the person run far far far away?

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Hey Moon....Good job on keeping your cool It's much more gratifying

isn't it?

As for your question....hmmm well I've had both reactions.

Initially they ran far far away..I mean but who could blame them??lmao

Then after the dust settled I was forgiven because I think they knew

they were chumps and deserved part of what they got ...

I never ended up with any of them though, so alls well that ends well.

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well...i kept my cool on certain things and others...well kind of screwed up. emotions ruled at the time. oh well.


I just spoke with a guy today - he had a big S carved on the hood of his brand new truck. He was telling me he "kind of" screwed up with his ex. shrugged and laughed like "oh man."

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I think I just did the worst thing I've ever done but yet, I find it funny.


I haven't spoken to my ex- in 5 months and I IM'ed her today just to say hi and have her relay a message to other people she would see the next day for me (telling them good luck at regionals). Well, she IM'ed me back with "don't talk to me". I talk to her best friend every day and she said that my ex- has gotten very immature and is a b*tch and etc.


I used Telnet to spoof one of my ex-'s friends e-mail addresses (have the e-mail say it's from them instead of me) and sent her a message telling her that no one likes the way she acts, she needs to grow up, stop treating people the way you wouldn't want to be treated, it's understandable why her last boyfriend dumped her, etc. I didn't think she would read my e-mail so if it was from one of her friends, she would. Now I just have to wait and see what happens.

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I think I have you all beat haha. I dumped my boyfriend because I sensed something wasn't right in the relationship, but a couple days later we decided to hang out. A half hour before I was supposed to show up, he calls and says he has to work and I did not believe him. I drove by his house and noticed there was a girl there so I went up and banged on his door for 15 min until he came to talk to me. Turns out that feeling of something not right in our relationship was dead on, he was cheating. I was yelling at him, asking him why he cheated on me, no tears, just screaming mostly, all in front of this unsuspecting girl. She dumped him, too.

I also did the no eating, crying all day, staying in bed all day thing. That lasted about a week. I found a website (link removed) and sent him a prank envelop, both to his work and his home that was from a Homosexual Society.

Oh yes, and I heard that he brought his new girlfriend to the bar I like to go to on weekends, and I called him and reamed him a new BEEEP. I told him not to go there. Not the smartest thing on my part, but he knows I'm still hurt and I felt that was really disrespectful. So yea I think I've got you all beat lol

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wow this forum is great haha...ive never done crazy things like that but karma happened and i got to find out about it. the first time my ex and i broke up, it was about a month later that i heard that some old woman had backed right into his car while it was parked in a parkinglot. a lota unfortunate things followed. i laughed, lived well, and he came back to me. promised hed never do it again, cried cuz he was so sorry, now we went out for another year and he did it to me again. maybe karma will come up again, maybe it wont. i dont really wish bad things on people, even though he hurt me really really badly n tried to tell me i was cheating on him to justify his actions. some people wont learn, will they.

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You are mature bittersweetly. The fact that you are not vindictive towards your ex shows that. When I'm slighted, I feel the need for revenge, almost like a kid who gets revenge on their schoolmate for breaking or stealing their toys. It could also have something to do with me being a Scorpio, haha J/K. I'm just surprised no one has admitted to trashing someone's car, or paintballing their house. Somebody on this forum must have done something to that effect!

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