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Nice guy, but really not interested

Sweet Sue

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That's not my understanding of "ghosting" and I'm not a fan of trendy labels anyway. Thanks for sharing your opinion. I dated on and off for 24 years. I always preferred silence to some sort of lame/closure phone call about how amazing a person I was (typically a near stranger LOL).


I did what was safest for my personal safety and balanced the pros and cons each time. It sounds like you are a guy -it was much less safe for a woman dating when and where I did to risk antagonizing a man - and this was both before and after the internet -I dated from 1980-2005.


I was only giving my personal opinion.


I believe that silence =lack of interest. Silence to me is one way of communicating. When a man didn't respond to my interest it was very clear to me his decision not to ask me out again meant he wasn't interested in dating me. Nothing confusing at all.

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