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Multiple Orgasms?

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My boyfriend is 17. He rarely masturbates; he'd rather wait and have sex. We had sex for a few hours this morning, and when we were done he told me he'd had 4 orgasms. I was just like "wow". I know it's probably because of him never masturbating but I was still surprised. And I've only recently started having sex with him, so I couldn't tell he had orgasmed. Is it normal or unusual that he had more than one orgasm? Just curious.



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i believe she woz referring to the riskz involved in multiple orgasimz into one condom, as in can the condom cope lol


and (just my view) at 15 I don't believe you should be having sex


read up on sexually transmitted diseases because condomz don't stop Them


be careful

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Well - yes, condoms when properly used do stop most STD, including HIV. However, when improperly used, condoms can have microscopic breaks that can let through STDs or sperm, leading to pregnancy.


I don't believe that condoms should be reused 4 times. Recycling: good for aluminum cans, bad for condoms.

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what diseases dont condoms stop? thats what they're there for, no? it's only the one where you can get genitasl warts where condoms dont stop them.


And at 15, I agree you shouldn't be having sex at that age. Your bf is braking the law, ins ome countried depends where ya from really. . . .

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well what else can she do? use the pill, you canæt stop this kid having sex, so it is better to advise them HOW to have safe sex rather tha nstop them doing it.


And kid, if you're going to have sex use condoms properly not 4 times. Your bf is a moron if he comes 4 times in it once... if a little bit strange

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I believe that HPV (Papilloma virus) is one of those that can be transmitted through condoms. Also, like you said, you can still get genital warts (herpes) because the condom doesn't cover the whole pubic area.


But, like I said, a microscopic hole or tear in a condom is all you need to get sick or pregnant. And, it only needs to happen once. Best to be with a partner that you are absolutely sure about.

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Oh yes, back on topic. I guess some men have multiple orgasms. It's not common, but as you see, they exist.


If you two are having this much sex, I do recommend getting on a more reliable form of birth control, such as the pill or Depo-provera.

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I took a class on Human Sexuality when I was in college. That was many years ago, so my memory may not be 100% accurate, however, I do have a hazy memory of a textbook or medical article stating that orgasm and ejaculation are actually two separate things. Most men are unable to separate the two since they occur simultaneously (or in very close sequence). Some men can apparently distinguish between the two sensations and are able to have the orgasm without necessarily ejaculating.


If you're really curious, it might be worth some medical library research.

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Wow, a lot of replies. First, I think we used 2 condoms in this 2-2 1/2 hour period, but he said he was changing because the one he had one was running out of lubrication. Yes, I am aware of the risks of sex, and I know a lot of people don't agree with people my age having sex. I am on the pill. And as far as I know, around here, my boyfriend is not breaking the law until he turns 18. And if he is breaking the law at the moment, I'll handle that.



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I've heard bad things about the Depo-provera shot from people I know who have taken it. Then again, there are people that swear by it. Personally I'd take the pill over the shot. However, there is a chance of forgetting the pill whereas with the shot there's not.


There is a relatively new thing out there that's a rubbery ring that is essentially the same as the pill but is a time-release thing. You insert it inside you and it's good for the whole month, so you can't forget.


REGARDLESS, although I agree that you should get on a secondary form of birth control (coming from the Queen of Broken Condoms...LOL!!!), you should STILL use a condom to help prevent against the majority of STD's. Again, it doesn't necessarily prevent herpes, for example, depending on where your partner may have it. 1 out of 4 people have genital herpes so it's rather common. Two of my friends contracted it and it's rather traumatizing. Now they have to have that awkward and embarrassing conversation with everyone they date and face possible rejection. Yeah, they could not have the conversation, but that would be awful to knowingly expose someone to an STD. However, people do that, so protect yourself.

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The time release thing mentioned above is a silicon ring. You don`t even have to keep it in while having sex. I was in the research study for it and came out a big fan...the researcher said that ALL the women in the study were begging to be allowed to continue as participants so that they wouldn`t have to go back to their former birth control methods...it is the BEST, least hassle-y, all around super form of birth control EVER. I`ll add a link after I find one!!


Here it is! Ta-DAH! link removed={74A70AC2-ED8F-474A-A47E-379032C196D0}&SID=116202165



Of course, the ring does NOT protect you from STDs...so keep those condoms handy!!

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