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I recently met someone as we are just friends . She stated that she gets jumpy when guys try to get to know her personally. I am interested in her and would like to get to know here more. How should I approach her, we haven't actually hung out or anything just been having casually messaging each other by phone . We don't know each other very much and I don't think she is ready to hang out. How much should I be texting her , as I don't want to push away. If anything I just want to build a friendship with her for now.

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Since you know that she stated that she gets jumpy and nervous when guys get to know her personally, take it slow! Instead of texting which can get old really fast btw, try hanging out together more often even as friends. Build trust which will take a very long time. Patience is key.


If she's a coworker, this could be risky because should your relationship or friendship go awry with her, remember she's a coworker and you don't want awkwardness later. Avoid that scenario. Remain cordial and professional; no more no less.

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She must be really hot for you to want to be jumping over all of these barriers she puts up. When someone is making it difficult for you to get to know them, take the hint. There are pretty women out there who don't have emotional baggage nor walls to knock down. You'll have better success with one of them.

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I recently met someone as we are just friends . She stated that she gets jumpy when guys try to get to know her personally. I am interested in her and would like to get to know here more. How should I approach her, we haven't actually hung out or anything just been having casually messaging each other by phone . We don't know each other very much and I don't think she is ready to hang out. How much should I be texting her , as I don't want to push away. If anything I just want to build a friendship with her for now.
My advice: Act like you don't care and only respond if she contacts you first. She's skittish so make her want to talk to you and if she doesn't, well then you've saved yourself a whole lot of time that you could be using to pursue someone who isn't so skittish.
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