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Is Flirting Necessary?

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Hey, just posting this question, Is Flirting Necessary, because if it is, I don't think I do it enough. I talk to girls etc but I just talk to them as if they are guys and I'm wondering if they think I just like them as friends because of this? I want to start flirting more but I'm not really sure how? Is flirting just complimenting them, or is it something else?


Any pointers?




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do what feels natural. Don't try to be something you're not just to get a girl.


Not saying there's nothing wrong with experimenting. With that, comes experience.


But with experience also comes knowledge. You will know when you're doing the right thing when it FEELS RIGHT


(just a hint- girls have complex needs that takes time to understand. urge her to share her feelings and beliefs about everything. dont be afraid to cross the line to share some of yours. this is what she wants but she probably wont tell you because she wants you to do it genuinly, on your own.


this is how we know who is the ONE)


if that makes sense.. i dunno

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I wish just being yourself an acting as if you were making a friend was enough... But that doesn't get you girlfriends, and in my case it doesn't get me many friends either... You do have to flirt... Do any of those that have been mentioned by the others... of course do it whenever you think she'd be at a comfortable level of "friendship". I think tickling her would be a good way of flirting too, lol. I dunno, peace.

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Maybe that's just you.






Trust me, there will always be a girl somewhere who likes you but will never say. It is the onward motion of life.


How would you want a girl to treat you if she liked you? How could she get your attention?


Treat others how you want to be treated is so profoundly true.


And all of these things shall come back to you.


I wish just being yourself an acting as if you were making a friend was enough... But that doesn't get you girlfriends, and in my case it doesn't get me many friends either... You do have to flirt... Do any of those that have been mentioned by the others... of course do it whenever you think she'd be at a comfortable level of "friendship". I think tickling her would be a good way of flirting too, lol. I dunno, peace.
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Trust me, there will always be a girl somewhere who likes you but will never say. It is the onward motion of life.


How would you want a girl to treat you if she liked you? How could she get your attention?


Treat others how you want to be treated is so profoundly true.



Well, I do treat everyone well, unless they treat me like crap. And well, I dunno how I would like a girl to treat me... I guess she'd have to do what I've already trying, even though no girl has done it... And I doubt any girl has ever liked me... I mean, she'd have to know me to like me... and no girl I've known has liked me... I mean, I just don't feel like arguing about this, I just know... I just don't wanna talk about this. This thread isn't about me anyway. Thanks and best wishes.

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This guy I know does this weird "flirty" tickle thing. I love it. XD (Although it might just be coz i'm so ticklish and I can tickle myself on my head if I ever feel the need.. lol )


Anyway, hell yes. Flirting does need to be done -- Alot of guys i've met I never had interest in until they started flirting with me, and then, well, yeah

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If you have to think about flirting, your not doing it right. Flirting isn't something you think about, its something that should be natural to the point where you don't even realize you are doing it. You know that things are going great when you get other people commenting on how you flirt with someone and your wondering what they are talking about.

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omg omg omg lol i love this subject cuz im good at flirting lol i hope thats a good thing too but anyways...you dont half to flirt it is nice once in a while but sometimes if you flirt toooooo much it can start to be a bad thing like if its on going like everything you say then i'd stop while your ahead...flirting is good its not just saying your cute ...you look nice today it's stuff like i wanna touch you here_____ i wanna make love to you cuz your on fire like stuff like that and always laughing too its a sign of flirting kinda well somewhat lol it is too me! hope this helps.




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oh, no no! I'm not trying to argue! I'm speaking in general terms (except for the joke but it was only a joke) so please dont take that personally. I'm just trying to help. I feel bad.


can I get to know you? (as a friend, as a friend?)




Trust me, there will always be a girl somewhere who likes you but will never say. It is the onward motion of life.


How would you want a girl to treat you if she liked you? How could she get your attention?


Treat others how you want to be treated is so profoundly true.



Well, I do treat everyone well, unless they treat me like crap. And well, I dunno how I would like a girl to treat me... I guess she'd have to do what I've already trying, even though no girl has done it... And I doubt any girl has ever liked me... I mean, she'd have to know me to like me... and no girl I've known has liked me... I mean, I just don't feel like arguing about this, I just know... I just don't wanna talk about this. This thread isn't about me anyway. Thanks and best wishes.

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oh, no no! I'm not trying to argue! I'm speaking in general terms (except for the joke but it was only a joke) so please dont take that personally. I'm just trying to help. I feel bad.


can I get to know you? (as a friend, as a friend?)


No worries, it's cool. No need to feel bad. I didn't mean to sound "aggressive" up there. Sorry if I did. Best wishes.

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