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ok so theres this girl I talk to alot who flirts with me ALOT. Well the bad part is she has a boyfriend. I know its not a good idea to act upon it but why do some girls do that even though they are taken? Are they really as serious with their relationship as they think they are if they do that?

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some girls need attention from numerous guys to feel pretty ....doesnt mean that they are unhappy in their realationship though, or that you should go for someone who isnt single ..doesnt say much for oneself GOOD LUCK TAKE CARE

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well as to my opinion, if a girl were ina relationship, yes a lot of girls do that to seek attention. but if she was content with her guy and happy, she wouldent even think twice about presenting herself like that as a flirt. but maybe u probably thought she flirting was when she wasnt. girls simply do that cuz they are insecure about themselfs. and maybe she dosnt get enough attention from her significant other. ..

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I dont know why girls do it...I've flirted with girls that had b/fs...doesn't mean anything. Dont think about it too much unless she's heavily flirting(i.e. much touching)....if you're both just playing around...its just fun...don't get carried away. I find it easier to make friends that way(girls that is), just flirting with them...so don't cross any lines unless she does...that's her problem then if she's really messing around that much.

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I have a friend who is VERY flirtacious with other guys, however she takes her relationship with her b/f very seriously, and will slap the crap out of any guy who tries to take anything the wrong way. I really dont understand why she is like this, and personally Id be driven insane by a girl who was like this.

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