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I am Confused and need dating advice


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I met this girl about 2 months ago. She is an introvert and doesn't really like to chat on whatsapp. She is online once or twice a day because she is very busy. She has has full time job and studying for another degree. After I met her we went on 2 dates and it seems that she really enjoyed it. Give or take 4 weeks ago I asked If she would like to join me at this coffee tasting place and she said that she is very busy at the moment. A few day later I asked her again and she said that she was sick. She kept on having excuses and ignoring me for some time so I decided to just leave and move on. 10 days later she messaged me and said that she is still available if I still want to do the coffee thing. I'm really confused and not sure what to do, any advice

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Well, I think that even if someone is an introvert, if they like someone, they would make an effort with that person. This actually does sound like typical excuses by someone that's not that interested unfortunately. I think she probably said that she was still available for coffee because she's trying to keep her options open. I know one time my best friend had a date with a guy from online and he didn't contact her for five days afterwards. Then he did contact her and said let's catch up again but after that second date never messaged again. I think sometimes people are not that keen but they just keep someone on the backburner in case they can't find anyone else.

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