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ok im turning 18 this september and am going to be attending college in late august, so technically (well at least legally) I'm almost an adult yet still have no privecy. I understand that my grandpa, and grandma are conserend about me and what I do, but it should stop at a certin point right? If im on the phone they want to know with who, If I go out they want to know every single thing my friends and I are doing and when I plan on being home (and when I go out with my friends we don't have plans, we just do whatever and I come home whenever and my mom is ok with that) When I get on the internet they want to know what sites I'm on, who the e-mail is from, what did they say, what am I gonna say. IF they ever found out I was dating corey and had a LDR with him, they would flip out and try to stop me. Does anyone here think that I'm old enough to have my own private life just to myself, like they don't have to try and control everything I do. They don't pay for anything for me, it's not like they buy my things, and have to change my panties for me, I'm not a baby.

My mom pretty much leaves me to do what I want to a certin extent (which is understandable, and not annoying cause she doesn't snoop around everything I do) but my grandma and pa go through my room and have tried to get onto my aol and chat with my friends. Am I the only person who thinks there is something wrong with this?



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Yes there is something wrong with that I have a 17 year old daughter and she has a aol account she has a hot mail account so she gets her e-mail from friends and I let her chat on the internet and I don't ask her who she is talking to and what she is saying and what they are talking about I think when you get to the age you are you should have privacy.


I do however ask her what friends she is going out with and what they are going to be doing, she has a curfew when she has to be home and I do keep an eye out on what her and her friends are doing but I also give her privacy as well. I think your parents or grand parents have a right to know who you are out with and what you are going to do when you go out with your friends but I don't think they need to read your e-mail and know every thing you say to all your friends on the phone.


Maybe you and your mom should have a talk with them about giving you a little privacy when you are on the phone and when you are online with your friends.

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When my daughters were 17 I told them they didn't have a curfew because it would be too dependent on what they were doing that night. But the rules were that I had to know who they were with, where they were and what they were doing and if plans changed they had to let me know. I got them cell phones for that reason among others.


They were forbidden to drink and drive or to be in a car where the driver had been drinking at all. They were instructed to call me for a ride at any time if they had no alternative ride. They also had money hidden away for a cab, if necessary.


I didn't check their mail, listen to their phone conversations or see what they were doing on the internet. That was private to them.


But if I had suspected drug use or any other damaging behaviour those rules would have changed overnight.

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im 17. im not allowed to go out with friends alone. if i do im dropped there and picked up. if that is not possible i dont go. i have my license yet i dont ahve any driving privledges to take the car on my own. take not that im a resonsible, mature, honor student. my parents know about my bf and evertyhing yet they think if i go out alone im going to be kidnapped or raped or SOMETHING. privacy is not a problem as far as emails and what not but it is pretty bad. if you relaly cant handle it you'll have to move out or something. otherwise unfortunately you dont have much choice. trust me i dont know anyone whos like me. and i find it so stupid like there are so many ppl i know that arent allowed to talk to members of the opposite sex on the phone while they can say "ok im gong to the mall ill be bak at 7". i mean what is wrong with the parents??!

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