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after 8 months, promises of better things, fighting over religion, politics, whether or not it was ok to live with someone...the color of my hair (trent reznor look alike if anybody knows) her parents making insane rules...me just using her for the sex that i never got in the first place we broke up.


i feel like crap and really regret it, is it the right thing to have done?


She tried so hard to make me stay, promised that it would be better but shed promised all of that before, she said that all we needed was a day of fun to take our minds off of our problems but all i could think of was that right when i got home they would all enter my mind again.


Was i selfish?


we fought every other...sometimes every week about little things, she was suspicious of girls at every turn and i just couldn't take that, is that selfish? My mind is telling me it isn't but my heart is calling myself every name in the book but i know if i go back it will be the exact same, did i do the right thing?



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It is not selfish to want to be happy - if you were not happy and there was no prospect of being happy, you were right to break-up.


But are you sure you both did all you could to resolve the problems?

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The biggest mistake people make is holding on to relatinoships hoping the other person will change. That never works...people can't change other people. When you are a young couple in highschool this can be especially trying because you're changing all the time, finding yourself. It's very hard for young couples out of high school to last. I think you did good.

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Too many problems in this relationship. You made the right decision. You also admit that you were just using her for sex. Doesn't sound like she was exactly your dream girl. By the time you're just trying to get sex, it doesn't really matter who she is/what she looks like etc...sounds like you weren't that into her and you argued all the time. Good call. Go find someone that you want for more than sex and that you don't argue so much. I guarantee you she's out there. Your ex will get over it when she finds someone who is better suited for her. You feel regret because you feel guilt but you'll feel better in time. You're young, sometimes things don't work out but it usually means you're not compatible with the person. Sounds like you made the right decision. Don't beat yourself up about it...even if you were selfish at times, we're all guilty of that at some point. Sounds like you both messed up so don't blame it all on yourself. Just learn from it and move forward. You'll be fine

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