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Today I got fired from my job, I dont really feel like getting into any details but I feel depressed.


I worked at this place for alittle over a year and now I have nothing. I dont know weather to find another job that pays decent or go back to school. Even if I wanted to go back to school I have no idea what I want to do which makes my choice even harder.


I really dont know what to do anymore

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By going back to school, do you mean college or high school? I'm asking because while high school is free (if its public), college isn't so it may be a financial strain. A little more info would help but if going back to school is an option, then I'd say go for it, it will probably help you land a new job in the future.

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Sometimes what seems like a tragedy might actually be the best thing that could happen to us. If you were let go, that's probably a sign your heart wasn't in your job. The good news is now you're free to experiment and try other things.


It's okay not to know what to do anymore. Half the people in college don't know what they want to do with their lives, so if you go you'd be in good company. Applying doesn't have to be a big deal. If you want to start right away, check out your local community college and just take one course. The classes are cheaper than at 4 year institutions and you don't have to worry about getting in. If you like it, get a job that pays the bills, but leaves you ample time to study and socialize. Apply for scholarships and grants. If you still don't know what you want to do, take advantage of the free career counseling and job placement office that CC's offer. Take general courses that are required in all universities (English, History, Math, Life Science, etc.) Rack up two years worth of good grades and leadership roles in extracurricular activities, so that you can transfer the credits to a four year university to finish up your degree. It's never too late to start, but deep down you knew were going to do it anyway, so why not start today?

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Being fired is a really nasty experience. It doesn't seem to matter what the reason was, it still really sucks.


You might consider taking a few days before making any major decisions. I know right now you have a million things running through your mind, but making a serious decision while you are under extreme stress usually turns out badly.


Don't make your decision until next week. Let things sink in and get past the initial shock of losing your job. Once you are a little less stressed, things will become clearer to you about whether you want to look for a new job or whether you want to go back to school.


Hang in there, nearly everybody gets fired at one time or another.

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Really being fired is truly a blessing in disquise. I'd recommend going to a community college. It's cheaper and you'd could always transfer to a 4 year upon completion. I got a job I stuck with for 5 years at a major corporation after being fired from one I hated. It sounds like you'd really like to further your education and really why not now? Look into financial aid some schools offer work study type programs too. Good luck.

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Maybe you can find a better job. I got fired from two jobs ealier this year but now I have a new job and its so awesome. A lot of the time I get to sit down, drink some (free) coffee, read the newspaper, check out the cute girls walking by. Ya, so if I hadn't been fired I wouldn't have this new job. See this an opportunity to get something better for yourself.

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