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Say u like this girl....and u think she likes u too. but one day, u find out that this other guy asked her out, and now they're dating. Would you:

a. kick yourself and give up, forget about her completely, move on

b. still like her, keep her in the back of your mind, hoping they break up (we want what we cant have right)

c. keep on flirting with her like she aint got a man

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Hah wow...this sounds all too familiar...except I dated the girl, and then I was the one who got left behind when she became more serious w/ someone else. Too bad it happened recently...so I can't be of great assistance, but she is still on my mind now...and I'm trying to move on...so choice B somewhat, and if I run into her...a little of C. Starting A tho and hoping that works, got another number today hehe.

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None of the above. I would be a friend to her (if I see her a lot at school). I would kick myself on the first day, yes, but wouldn't ignore her after that. That's just rude, because it would show that you just see her as dating material. Nothing wrong with friendship.

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I would leave her be. You can kick yourself if you want to, or you can learn from this that next time you are interested in a girl, go for it and ask her out. What's the worst that could happen? he says no and then you are right where you are now. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


But def. leave the taken girl alone. You lost your chance here.

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lol the reason i'm asking this is becuz i've been flirting with this guy for a while now..he likes me too, but for some reason we just moved too slow...then now this other guy asked me out and now we're going out...but i still really really like the other guy and i dont want him to go away!! i'm just wondering if he thinks he still got a chance...


anyhow keep the replies coming

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Say u like this girl....and u think she likes u too. but one day, u find out that this other guy asked her out, and now they're dating. Would you:

a. kick yourself and give up, forget about her completely, move on

b. still like her, keep her in the back of your mind, hoping they break up (we want what we cant have right)

c. keep on flirting with her like she aint got a man

D. Destroy the universe.

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lmao at the previous post....ummm


lol the reason i'm asking this is becuz i've been flirting with this guy for a while now..he likes me too, but for some reason we just moved too slow...then now this other guy asked me out and now we're going out...but i still really really like the other guy and i dont want him to go away!! i'm just wondering if he thinks he still got a chance...


god this sounds too familiar...but you would know who I was if it was the girl I know, I need to change my s/n on here.

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Yea I dont think you do, ..just your age...and everything you're saying...sounds exactly like what just happened to me.


I was ...'dating' and flirted a lot with some girl , your age, but I was so busy we moved really really slowly and she just recently..like this weekend, she pretty much told me to stop askin her out b/c she is more serious w/ some other guy...oh well.

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Yea I dont think you do, ..just your age...and everything you're saying...sounds exactly like what just happened to me.


I was ...'dating' and flirted a lot with some girl , your age, but I was so busy we moved really really slowly and she just recently..like this weekend, she pretty much told me to stop askin her out b/c she is more serious w/ some other guy...oh well.


oh...then i dun think i am her cuz i didn't tell the guy to stop asking me out. i didnt even tell him i'm going out with some guy now, but he'll sooner or later find out on his own.


but anyhow, u mind answering my question, since ur in a similar situation? thanx



EDIT: oops, sorry, u already have. my bad.

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Say u like this girl....and u think she likes u too. but one day, u find out that this other guy asked her out, and now they're dating. Would you:

a. kick yourself and give up, forget about her completely, move on

b. still like her, keep her in the back of your mind, hoping they break up (we want what we cant have right)

c. keep on flirting with her like she aint got a man


been there. what happened was i used to idealize her before i found out she went out with another guy. cause she was flirting with me quite strongly before, i felt betrayed when i found out she was seeing somebody else. anyway, it sucked, but i still pursued her, and because she had always liked me so much, she ended up with me. but the sad thing was, before i found out about her going out with another guy, i would liked her so much more. after i found out, i liked her a lot less, and it became more of a sexual attraction and i kept myself emotionally distant from her.

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i always become really good friends with them, while hoping it will turn into more when she breaks up with him. But in the back of my mind i know there isnt much hope, you might want to give him a lil bit of a hint that it could happen in the future, but you do have a b/f now, so dont make it too strong

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ahhh i am so confused...becuz even tho i like the guy i'm with, i still like the other guy!! i know it sounds selfish, but i'm afraid hes gonna go out with some other girl now, and then he wont be there for me when we break up cuz he's with another girl....have i lost him or is there still hope?

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ahhh i am so confused...becuz even tho i like the guy i'm with, i still like the other guy!! i know it sounds selfish, but i'm afraid hes gonna go out with some other girl now, and then he wont be there for me when we break up cuz he's with another girl....have i lost him or is there still hope?


Are you already thinking of breaking up with your current guy? If so, your answer should be obvious.


And no guy wants to be a back up plan or a consolation prize to anybody. Try to be secure enough to be happy if you ever are boyfriendless. I know a lot of girls who go out with guys even though they don't like them anymore just because they haven't found anybody else interesting. It's a turn off.


There's always hope, but you have to accept the fact that you can't have both guys.


And whatever you do, don't try to use one to get a reaction out of the other one. It's immature and not nice. I'm not accusing you of being this type of person, but it's not uncommon behaviour.[/i]

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I went throught the same type of situation, and believe me, its REALLY demoralizing to a guy if the girl he's been attracted to picks up another guy. In my situation, the girl is single now, but eversince she told me about this guy (on the day I planned to ask her out), I've become alittle bit more nevous arround her. I'm definiatlely sticking with B, but I'm not sure if I should go for it this time

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  • 4 weeks later...


alrite....so its been almost a month now since i started going out with my bf, and the other guy is just...sumhow on my mind a lot! he found out i have a bf now by the way...and he's not talking to me anymore. wuts up with that?!


man. i dunno...i just had to rant.


Is it wrong to like the other guy so much while i'm in a relationship? the thing is, i liked him all along. but i guess it doesnt matter since he's not talking to me anyway.

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candiegirl...stop makin me think you're this other girl!!! lol....


I know you're not her....you just keep literally describing what's goin on between me and the last girl that I've told you about. She's got some new b/f...and I havent talked to her in like 3 weeks...not one word. So...its just him leaving you alone...its what you wanted, you have a new b/f...so he's giving up and moving on, just like I am...I'm not gonna wait, just like he wont wait for you.

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A mostly.


Explain to me why your going out with the other guy, if you like this guy?


This has happened before a couple of times to me, and I just thought **** them, and moved on. Then i'll try and make them jealous maybe by getting with another girl.

In my opinion, I totally blaim the girl for accepting to go out with the other guy, if she likes someone else. I really don't see the logic in it.


If I was the girl and got asked out, I'd be like "I'll get back to you tomorrow or something with my answer", then go and ask the guy that I like out, and if I get rejected go with the guy that asked me out. Why is this not the logical thing to do?

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alrite....so its been almost a month now since i started going out with my bf, and the other guy is just...sumhow on my mind a lot! he found out i have a bf now by the way...and he's not talking to me anymore. wuts up with that?!


man. i dunno...i just had to rant.


Is it wrong to like the other guy so much while i'm in a relationship? the thing is, i liked him all along. but i guess it doesnt matter since he's not talking to me anyway.


well it's kind of obvious that he's not interested in you if you're going out with somebody else. if he thought that you liked him before, he might even feel you betrayed that mutual attraction you two had.

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