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Am I asking too much?


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Why are people saying he's lying? He told you he was using the weekend to do other things. He didn't to into detail. Why? Did you ask him for details? Did he assume you didn't want or need them? Did you expect him to read your mind? The both of you didn't communicate, you made assumptions. Did he?


Just a thought. Instead of relying on your friends with social media, and a bunch of Internet strangers(some very judgemental) to find out what happened, try sitting down with your partner and have an adult open conversation. Talk about what was expected. What actually happened and why.


He's out of work. He might be very ashamed and very embarrassed. He may have been networking with friends. He may have thought you knew that, and were O.K. with that. Yup, I'm speculating. The only real person who knows what is going on is your BF.


My gf texts me all the time without saying hello. That's just texting. I don't think she disrespects me, or is being rude. It's the nature of texting. It can come across as cold and impersonal. Then you accuse him of x, y and z.


Sit down and have a chat before throwing him out. So far you, your friends, and the Internet against him. Give him a fair shot to respond.




I mean we all interpret things differently but I'm not sure in what world it's ok to use your girlfriends money even to 'network' he needs to get off his lazy a** and get a job at mcdonalds if that's what it takes. At no point is it ok to be doing any kind of traveling on someone else's dime. He needed to network he could have did it at home. This is pretty cut and dry, he sees her as his cash cow. Unless we're missing a huge chunk of the story again, not sure how any other conclusion can be made. Nothing is ok with what he did, even putting it the way you did, he's doing this stuff on her dime!

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Unfortunately you both seem to have a lack of pride in yourselves. Perhaps that's what you have in common. He's unemployed and rather than eat raman noodles and pack groceries until something comes through, he's got his hand out to go party with friends. You on the same token have no pride in yourself if you feel you have to buy affection..

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You need to understand that people like him, who as Wiseman stated have no pride and think nothing of living off others, are fixated like addicts on getting 'their' money from the people in their lives.

You are thinking of this like a committed relationship, but I'm sorry , it's not.

His commitment is to himself number one and I wouldn't stick around nor put more money into him hoping he will change into someone else.


It's one thing to help someone in a really tough time. Someone who has been taking money from you on the regular, you don't see it back, and it's always one crisis after another, that's a user. Asking you for money should be a very special situation, not losing ones job ( for which it's reasonable to expect he'd have at least a small cushion for normal financial dips in life).


If all you do for now is do not give him money and do not engage him in talk about that, that'd be a huge step forward. You would see him contort to try every trick in the book and say whatever he can think of to get money again.

His concern isn't the relationship, its money. I hope you see that soon.

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