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Help please, I have no friends for good advice.


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I've been in a some what unhealthy relationship with my boyfriend for 4 years. He recently met his blood sister (yes real sister) a few months ago and they are very close so one day me and him were going through it and she left us with something of hers so I took it out the car so he can get out and she come get it from his house so when she came he had my car keys and i couldn't go anywhere so i took something of hers so we even so i called and let her know what was going on because he had my keys she said ok ill call him so mins go by i call her no answer i called 5 times after that no answer she pulls up finally calls me back and say he say he doesn't have it. He comes outside take whats hers and they drive off and came back twice just to mess with me now after the first time she knows he has my keys I'm upset with her because I'm telling you your brother has something of mines but u believing him when he's wrong. He told her to drive off and she did so now i feel like its "f**k me" Now i told him i don't mess with her because she's fake because right is right and wrong is wrong blood or not if when me and your brother goes through something and u gonna auto. take his side cuz thats your brother i don't wanna deal with you i cant take a fake person. Me and him were talking about it he saying "well me and you not gonna be together than?" i got upset because that should have even been a question we been together way before you met her so you shouldent be thinking that way i said "f**k you" and he said f**k you b**** you one-sided and we just went separate ways. We argue a lot and I'm tired of feeling like i have to compete with females in his life. I forgot to mention she's 4 years older than us !

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