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Making a step in the right direction


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After 3years apart, I have decided to tell my ex that I want to reconcile...

I have a work number and phone number for my ex, what's the best way to reach out? I'm really nervous, he means the world to me I better not throw it all away at this time and lose the one good thing that has ever happened to me.


I don't know how to break the ice.I'm 26 and he is 27 and he lives about a fifteen minute drive from me... Thanks were currently in NC

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After 3years apart, I have decided to tell my ex that I want to reconcile...

Heh. Oh if only it were that easy...

I'm really nervous, he means the world to me I better not throw it all away at this time and lose the one good thing that has ever happened to me.

This is the bit that worries me. It smacks of desperation and may send you into a bit of a downward spiral if you don't get the result you are seeking....


Consider how you'll feel if he's with someone and having a baby. If that upsets you a lot, I would proceed with caution....


Other than that, I would love to see a successful recon... They're a bit of a rarity.



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  • 2 weeks later...

yes we met. just met for coffee and I told him I really missed him and it was so good to finally get to catch up


we hung out for 3 hours but then finally the coffee place was closing and we had to go. He walked me to my car, ( white jeep Cherokee!) and then I told him about the super power that I had which I could make earthquakes happen and then right as I was telling him about this, an earthquake happened! OMG!!!! xxx

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Now we have agreed to meet up soon Again ? in Lombok where the earthquakes keep happening. Im not sure about this one.


I mean we were talking and it was kind of nice that he met me after I was like an hour late and we talked and I said "If the answer is no can I change the world?"

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Now we have agreed to meet up soon Again ? in Lombok where the earthquakes keep happening. Im not sure about this one.


I mean we were talking and it was kind of nice that he met me after I was like an hour late and we talked and I said "If the answer is no can I change the world?"


I don't understand what you mean by this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why did I do it? Well I know a lot of people are questioning my view on this subject of getting your ex's back, it's a pretty nice ride where life begins like the sea;



When both my feet leave the ground

Will you be there where the skyline ends?

When I take flight

When the blackest night calls me home

Will you be there when the dream begins?

The smallest drop in the ocean

Can start a wave of emotion

My dear, I wish I could hold you safe in my arms

From here to eternity

Alone I'll know you'll be waiting

When the moon beams lean down to kiss me

Cause your beauty burns through the darkness

Crystal and clear

From here to eternity

When I let go

When I release all my cares

Will you be there where the nightmare ends?

When I drift off

When the silver sun calls my name

Will you be there where the light begins?

The smallest drop in the ocean

Can start a wave of emotion

My dear, I wish I could hold you safe in my arms

From here to eternity

Alone I'll know you'll be waiting

When the moon beams lean down to kiss me

Cause your beauty burns through the darkness

Crystal and clear

From here to eternity

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