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Boyfriend Breakup


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Hello all,

So I’ve liked this girl for a very long time. I liked her back when we rode on the same bus and she lived down the street from me during sophomore year (her freshman year). We kind of parted ways, and then my senior year, we somehow started talking to each other again. She had a boyfriend, and they were dating for about 2 months at that point. She was talking and flirting and she finally told me she had a crush on me my sophomore year when I liked her. I told her I did too, and we kept talking, and she told me many times if she wasn’t with that boyfriend she would be with me. Well I talked to her and waited 6 more months. She broke up with him recently (week ago maybe) and I don’t really know what I should do. She’s told me she’s liked me but she hangs out with a lot of guy friends, and one in particular drives her home from work and she’s told me he’s a really good friend that she’s known since they were kids. They hang out a lot and it really worries me. I’m actually in love with this woman. What should I do?

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Also, I was at a party right after her breakup, and she was there with her good friend that takes her home from work and like 2 other of her friends that are girls and I talked to her while we were there and when we went into the party I was behind her along with her guy friend and she reached her hand back, and right before that her guy friend pushed in front of me. Neither one of us grabbed her hand. I mean I couldn’t I was so far behind. But she told me later she wished that one of us would have grabbed her hand

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