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Day - 3 (still raw) Sticking to boundaries

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So today is kinda rough just because it’s the 4th of July and I know how excited my kids are to watch fireworks.

Seeing there face light up, taking them to the fireworks stand, is something I’ll miss. Its also my youngest sons first 4th of July. I’m sure he’ll really enjoy them like the rest of the kids.


I just hope they stay safe and nobody gets hurt! I was always overly protective and watchful of them on this particular holiday.


Going to my uncles to celebrate with his family.


Day 3. NC since I left last Saturday from her which has been nice.


Hope everyone has fun today.



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Im sure today is difficult for you. You're doing a great job with NC. I had to roll the clock back and start over myself so I am at day 3 of NC as well, but I feel very good this time around. Try to enjoy the holiday and I promise you that it will get better as time goes on. Stay encouraged and enjoy your family!!!!

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Im sure today is difficult for you. You're doing a great job with NC. I had to roll the clock back and start over myself so I am at day 3 of NC as well, but I feel very good this time around. Try to enjoy the holiday and I promise you that it will get better as time goes on. Stay encouraged and enjoy your family!!!!


It’s challenging. It definitely isn’t ideal but I’m ok with it ! Me and you being at the 3 day NC progress is awesome! We should keep each other going :) See, I’ve had my hope in the wrong place this whole time. I realized my hope in recon is, well...dumb and not what I want. I will be happy with myself alone and spending time with my kids. Yes, I feel good today! But I know it’s a rollercoaster, but you’re exactly right this will get better!


I’m happy you feel confident and good this time! Way to go! You and I will make it. The future ahead is bright. We will definitely make it through.


Thank you, and I hope you enjoy this holiday as well !



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Think of getting past every difficult holiday as a landmark. We have all been there, nostalgic about past years. The first one is always the hardest. Enjoy the holiday and go easy on the booze. It will loosen your tongue and your emotions.

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So today is kinda rough just because it’s the 4th of July and I know how excited my kids are to watch fireworks.

Seeing there face light up, taking them to the fireworks stand, is something I’ll miss. Its also my youngest sons first 4th of July. I’m sure he’ll really enjoy them like the rest of the kids.


I just hope they stay safe and nobody gets hurt! I was always overly protective and watchful of them on this particular holiday.


Going to my uncles to celebrate with his family.


Day 3. NC since I left last Saturday from her which has been nice.


Hope everyone has fun today.




Yes we should keep each other going! And an idea of a recon was not dumb; you simply put yourself out there like i did. I got rejected and used badly but it was a lesson learned. I did all that i could do and Ive made my peace with the situation. I also have had the chance to meet someone new- hes the polar opposite of the men I've always been drawn to. He's my age; hes godfearing, he has a calm spirit and hes hardworking (3 jobs) Which is great because I can focus on my healing, and learning to be alone again and not becoming emotionally dependent on him. He just doesn't have that kind of time.


Red, you sound like a really good family guy and protective father-and there are women that have been praying for a guy like you. Yes, let's encourage each other on our NC and healing journeys so that we can receive what the universe has in store for us!!

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Yes we should keep each other going! And an idea of a recon was not dumb; you simply put yourself out there like i did. I got rejected and used badly but it was a lesson learned. I did all that i could do and Ive made my peace with the situation. I also have had the chance to meet someone new- hes the polar opposite of the men I've always been drawn to. He's my age; hes godfearing, he has a calm spirit and hes hardworking (3 jobs) Which is great because I can focus on my healing, and learning to be alone again and not becoming emotionally dependent on him. He just doesn't have that kind of time.


Red, you sound like a really good family guy and protective father-and there are women that have been praying for a guy like you. Yes, let's encourage each other on our NC and healing journeys so that we can receive what the universe has in store for us!!


Yes lesson learned indeed. I’m past the stage of recon hopes. I also think it’s a turning point when reaching this particular mindset. I believe it’s acceptance.


Now I’m focused on getting this out of my system. Healing. Moving forward and getting myself back. Being happy.

I do mention my kids a lot but they are my world. I have to heal and get my mind right to be able to actually there emotionally and not torn between loss of ex and letting that nag at my attention towards to them. Being fully engaged in the moment.


I’m so happy you found someone :) One day I’ll be right there with ya!

He’s a very lucky man :)


Thank you so much for your kind words :) It made me smile and picked me up a bit ! Thank you, I needed that.


Absolutely. We’re in this together. I started a journal thread to look back on. It’ll motivate me to see how far I’ve came!



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Think of getting past every difficult holiday as a landmark. We have all been there, nostalgic about past years. The first one is always the hardest. Enjoy the holiday and go easy on the booze. It will loosen your tongue and your emotions.


Yea there the hardest but it’s also a way to showcase strength when the holiday passes. I’m going real light on booze. That night was a bad one. Not doing it again to that extreme. Still going strong on NC. Only avenue to communicate is email.


Stay strong my friend :)



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