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Day - 2 ( still raw) sticking to boundaries

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Drank myself into a barely functioning phase. Still stuck to my boundaries.


I’m going to stick to my plan. No matter what. Gonna get through this.


I’ll keep journaling through this day by day. Cried tonight. O well, it’ll get better.





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Sticking to boundaries is good. Using alcohol or another substance as a coping mechanism is not.


Journal. Talk it out here. But for your own sake, don't be drinking yourself into a barely functioning phase. It's time to learn some effective and healthy ways to get through this.

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Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement. It helped me get through today. I’ll be starting Day #3 in 1.15 hrs.


** Refrain from using alcohol like MissCanuck said **



Today I thought about her periodically throughout the day. Kept shaking my head saying “what a dam* shame” as I think about my kids growing up in a broken home. I saw women today at work who resembled her and certain thoughts I would imagine in my head would turn my blood ice cold. But it is all fleeting and comes and goes. Tomorrow is the 4th of July and I know how much they love fireworks :( Just to see there faces light up in awe is so sweet and cute. To help them light one, or take them to buy them :( Crying now, gotta go




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