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Still Miss Ex


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It's been 5 months since my ex left me. She wanted to be friends but I said I couldn't. NC on my part, ex has reached out a handful of times with friendly messages to which I responded in a neutral/positive way. But I haven't once initiated.


I am having a bad day today missing her. But in general I miss her all the time and I'm not over it. I've had a few fleeting crushes/interests in other people but nothing has happened with them. I end up just thinking about my ex.


I want to reach out to her, I just don't know what to say or how to do it.


I want to reach out just in case she's still thinking about me, but is afraid I've totally gotten over her since I haven't initiated a single thing.

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If you miss them then tell them. Lifes too short for games. If it backfires then least you can block them and move on.


I dumped my ex around about the same time as you and I'm not over her. In fact I want her back so you never know. Shes been the same with me as your being to your ex and I really don't know if shes moved on or not because she hasn't said she has.


Best of luck.

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5 months of NC and she’s initiated a handful of time ? Why on earth would you wanna reach out.


Life is to short for games, so why play this game of trying to reach out to her and get some type of reaction. It’s ridiculous. You’re wanna start right back to day one after 5mths LC, none

Initiated by her? That’s good progress to waste. To find out if she’s still thinking about you? Maybe she is, but not thinking about you enough to get back together.


A handful of times in 5 months.

Within those handful of times did she ever mention the words you wanna hear, that she wants to get back? No she didn’t because you’d be back with her right now.


Point of NC another poster suggested is to HEAL. Block her number. She only reached out a handful of times. It doesn’t matter who initiated, she got bored and curious. You’re overthinking it.


An ex will most likely not tell you to “move on” till you become such a pest that she gets extremely annoyed by your constant attempts to reconcile . This is the road you’re heading down if you decide to reach out.


My question to you is , what would you say to her if you decided to reach out?



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You haven't made progress with moving on because you've left the door open with the hopes that she will nudge it open. It's been nearly half a year since you entered this limbo! Letting go is a choice - one you need to actively make every day to free yourself of this purgatory. Stop torturing yourself and make a commitment to feeling better by actually going no contact and blocking her. Believe me, once you get past the initial pain of acceptance you will feel much lighter and glad you made a firm decision.

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