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Feeling hurt and eliminated


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My girlfriend wants to take a break from our relationship and be single to find herself and clear her head from getting divorced we've been together 3 months and she has a guy friend whom I don't care for because he's inappropriate and disrespectful to our relationship


I understand she needs to heal but I also feel like I'm being eliminated from the equation for her future and I feel like she's slowly going to forget about us and what we have

I'm very upset and confused I want her friend gone and out of the picture as we weren't having problems till I discovered that their were inappropriate conversations

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The "friend" is not helping matters, but the real problem is your ex. Nobody could interfere in your relationship like that without her participation.


Unfortunately, she is not the one for you. Only 3 months of dating and she needs to clear her head from her divorce and she's been having inappropriate conversations with another man? You're going to need to forget about her and move on, my friend.

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Ok so we talked about things last night and she poured her heart out about her feelings towards me and she said she now's sees my point of view she wasn't responding to him in an inappropriate manner he was being inappropriate towards her but after last night's conversation I see a lot

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