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It's been over a year me and my boyfriend have been having a lot of trouble with our relationship reason being is because this part hurts me a lot for 9 years my boyfriend has been into BDSM he is use to being dominant with women and being hard core, and me on the other hand I'm the type to want to cuddle a lot, to do things together, spend time together, go outside, him on the other hand it's always inside and in front of his computer like when comes home from work he walks by me like I'm not there and heads fast to his computer, he wants to change who is but it's really hard for him to do so because of his dark side ways, and every day almost I cry because I would love if he walked in from work kiss me hold me in his arms like real coupes do, when I want to talk his always in front of his computer and he tells me all the time wait until my game is done but even when his game is done he would just restart his game right a way and I love having attention but I don't get attention, I always feel like I'm nothing to him oh and also we don't even make love if we do I would say it's only every 3 to 4 months that is really the only time he touches me I feel so very depressed all the time I've really hit bottom with my health also and it's been awhile I haven't been taking care of myself like I should

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And you've been putting up with this for 9 years? It's time to get out of this relationship and dump this guy! You're missing out on so much. What are you waiting for? Apparently, you're just around to clean up after him and serve him like a slave. And no sex for 3 to 4 months at a time? Elderly people have more sex than that!


Look, he doesn't want to change. Guys just say this so women will stop bothering them for a few weeks. He's not interested in you. And you should get your stuff together and just leave. It's not worth it. This is a form of emotional abuse and that's why you're crying and are depressed. He has changed you into someone who would put up with this behavior. No one should be treated like this. You're just a roommate and it's time for you to move out. Being alone would be better than this. Get your courage up and leave!

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A good title might be: 'A sentence with no end, just like my relationship.'


You relationship does sound like a sentence. And it does sound like the pair of you are incompatible at a deeper level. It sounds like you both have drifted apart and it might be time to think about moving on from this relationship. Sure, you could try to make it work, but both parties need to be invested, and it doesn't sound like this is the case.

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Why are you with him? He is not going to change, no matter what he says. Look at what he does and what he does is nothing that you want in a man. Nothing.

It's not working and it never will.


It's like your whole life you've wanted a cute puppy dog for a pet, but instead got a poisonous snake and now you are crying that it's biting you and waiting for it to turn into a puppy dog and complaining that the snake doesn't act like a dog. What you are doing with this guy is truly that messed up. No matter how much you wish it, the snake is no going to turn into a puppy dog. Period.


If you want a normal relationship, then seek a man who IS right now who you want him to be, NEVER someone who needs to change.

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Do you like who you've had to become in order to have this guy in your life?


Why do you insist upon being a volunteer for this treatment?


Do you think you don't deserve to be treated better than this?


Are you too lazy to get out of this and look out for your own best interests?


He doesn't want to have to engage you in any way, shape or form---therefore you dont' have a relationship. What you have a convenienceship... and it's convenient for him, not you.


For your health to be in a precarious state because you've neglected it over getting the attention of a man who doesn't think you're worth him arsing himself?


What would you say to your daughter if she wrote your post?

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