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I don't know if he likes me


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Well, I am new here so firstly hello guys.I will sumnarize the subject as much as I can.


I am student at 12th grade and getting prepared for my university entry exam. And there is a boy I like. It started so sudden, this year our headteacher decided to mix 12th grade classes so I met so many new people.

This boy too, I met him a few months ago -and you know high school stereotypes-: this boy doesn't often interacts with girls, always surrounded by his male buddies and makes everyone laugh. Like I said he doesn't talk to girls that much but when he talks he messes with them -but not in a rude way just to joke I mean everybody know it and they have fun too- and he is strange;he is hardly ever serious but looks deadly serious all the time -complicated sorry- anyway one day REALLY suddenly i found myself liking him.

With a really big coincidence the day after my discovery of feelings, one of my -male- friends who is a good friend of him made a joke about 'the boy I like' and me liking each other. I was very shy and told my friend to shut up all day. Then one of my close friends -female- started to mess with 'the boy I like' -pretty much like a backfire bc he messes with so many people- and they were arguing jokingly for a few days. Then he stopped arguing with her, started to mess with me all of a sudden, i didn't start it in fact never said anything until he started to mess with me.


Months went like that, everyday he would mess with me and say strange things like he didn't say to anybody -for instance he came up to me someday and told me that he was talking with a girl and if he sould go on with talking or stop talking to her -which i believe all of that is made up story haha- and when i said go on he didn't take it as a reply until i say stop.

Some other day a -again male- friend of mine told me 'the boy I like' asked him something about me -not speacial things though-


Months had passed like that and a few days ago our graduation ceremony happened. Since we are studying for university exam we don't have to go to school after the graduation -there is one month left to last day of school- so we won't go to school until the last day.


And at the day of the graduation something exciting happened. We didn't talk to each other whole day, we never get the chance though and we -students- partied like crazies. Then when it finished everybody was hugging their mates because they won't see each other any time soon. I was looking for a friend of mine and passed near him but I didn't pay attention to him because i was shy. Then while i was walking through he called my name and i turned around to face him. He said "see you" and seperated his arms for me to hug, i hugged him and he said "sorry, i've made you angry whole year." actually wanted to say "no i had fun" but i was way too surprised to say anything at all because you know he is not the type of a boy hugging girls, you can think how can you know that but it is just the way he is. And i told him that wasn't a problem and said see you but i couldn't move neither did he. We stood there and nodded weirdly like we knew that we won't see each other again -if he won't show up at the last day of school which is a possible thing- . It was hurtful like a film scene but then i left.


Huh i wrote so long but i just don't know what to do. I can't get him out of my head. But I don't think we will be meeting in the future because even though we spent months messing with each other we barely had any normal conversation and don't even know each other properly. It saddens me more when i think it like that. I thought maybe i'll write him after our big exam but don't sure if i should, i am a shy one in these things -in friendship kind of things i am not shy just when i like someone- . I am so curious if he likes me and if i get to know him will i like him the same? To figure it out i need to know him first yeah but how and when should i do that? Actually i am a little scared that if he likes me and i won't like him when i get to know him, then he will be sad :

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If you have cell phones, when you see him next, just say, "Do you want to exchange numbers? It'd be fun to hang out in the summer." If you're too shy to say it, hand him a note. It's better to take a risk, even if scary, than to let an opportunity pass you by. And if it doesn't work out, people move on. There are no guarantees in life and sometime people get hurt, but it's better than not trying at all.

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If you have cell phones, when you see him next, just say, "Do you want to exchange numbers? It'd be fun to hang out in the summer." If you're too shy to say it, hand him a note. It's better to take a risk, even if scary, than to let an opportunity pass you by. And if it doesn't work out, people move on. There are no guarantees in life and sometime people get hurt, but it's better than not trying at all.
actually we already have each others number because we have a whatsapp chat group with our class, and sadly I'm not in town for summer for 2-3 months I'll be in another town, how should I handle it?
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I'd text him on WhatsApp chat and tell him you'll be gone in the summer, and ask him if he wants to get together for something fun before you leave, whatever activity is fun in your area. (miniature golf, laser tag, hiking in a park, bowling, kayaking)


If you have a good day, it'll probably open the door for staying touch in the summer.

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I'd text him on WhatsApp chat and tell him you'll be gone in the summer, and ask him if he wants to get together for something fun before you leave, whatever activity is fun in your area. (miniature golf, laser tag, hiking in a park, bowling, kayaking)


If you have a good day, it'll probably open the door for staying touch in the summer.

Thank you so much i think I'll go for it ^^

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