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Até 5 months of no contact, my ex contacted... my best friend

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Why would commenting on a random status of your best friend indicate that she misses you?? :confused:
this is a good question. i mean really... when i think about it, that is a pretty long way around to to get to someone.


if that was how they were gonna play it, I'd ignore it.


mind your own business......

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Who know why, but honestly, you shouldn't care.

She constantly was breaking up with you, and sleeping with others.

You should never care what a toxic person thinks of you, or if they miss you. You should focus on keeping them cut from your life. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but you are better off without her.


Yes... you are right.... I would never get back with her, I guess I was hoping for a ego stroke... but it is kind of mean wanting to dump your ex after they dumped you...

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I dont know, I feel so lonely and scared.. Im terrified of being alone.. I never had this problem up til now


I know the feeling, trust me, it sucks.

Yet this might be the root of your problems. When we're terrified of being alone sometimes that indicates that something from our life as a single person, is missing. You need to explore that and find answers, because when we are so afraid of being alone we end up in bad relationships like apparently the one you were in and still hoping to get back in.


We've all be in your place, trying to find the deeper meaning of our exes'actions and translating it to signs that they miss us. It's not the case, sorry :/


Stick to NC, work on yourself and hang in there!! It does get better, I promise!

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