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I'm so nervous & clumsy when I talk to her!

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Okay so I'm a 15 year old sophomore guy and I have a huge crush on a 14 year old freshman girl. We have no classes together. I'm on men's show choir, and she is on women's show choir. We walk past and say hi to each other on the way to almost every class. We can't have actual conversations very often because of the shortness of the passing period, but usually there is an opportunity before school or during lunch that I can actually talk to her. And a lot of the time shes with her friends (maybe thats part of the problem?).


However, whenever I talk to her I always get really nervous. So then I end up studdering a bit, and then I can get really clumsy and it makes me seem like a total idiot. Its not like my normal self.


I'm really inexperienced with girls, my only girlfriend was for 4 days in the 8th grade (April 2003) and I barely consider it to mean anything except as something to say that I have at least had a girlfriend before. I have never really asked a girl out before in my entire life--but I plan to change this soon enough.

Oh, and one day when I was talking to her about a week ago she asked me, "Have you ever had a girlfriend?" probably seeing how nervous and clumsy I was when talking to her..


Does anybody have any suggestions to help me get rid of my nervousness and such so I can act more like my normal self??

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lol theres never a way to get rid of ur nervousness.... but sometimes girls think thats cute. since she asked u if u have a girlfriend that could be a good thing. girls usually dont ask this unless theyre interested.


the trick is... find a common interest. then talk about it. i remember being ur age once and i had a HUGE MAJOR crush on this kid.....Matt...from a little eaves dropping and casual conversations with people he knew i found out he was into cars....hell.. i jumped at the opportunity and decided to learn something about cars quick.


the more u know about ur target..the more room u have for a longer converstation.


good luck!

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lol theres never a way to get rid of ur nervousness.... but sometimes girls think thats cute. since she asked u if u have a girlfriend that could be a good thing. girls usually dont ask this unless theyre interested.


the trick is... find a common interest. then talk about it. i remember being ur age once and i had a HUGE MAJOR crush on this kid.....Matt...from a little eaves dropping and casual conversations with people he knew i found out he was into cars....hell.. i jumped at the opportunity and decided to learn something about cars quick.


the more u know about ur target..the more room u have for a longer converstation.


good luck!

I already found a common interest, I even stated it--we're both in choir. Although I want to find another common interest now. Yeah I get what you mean about the more you know about them though.. I think I should just ask her out, before its too late.

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I agree with itry: There is no way to get over nervousness(but experience, I might add). Talk to her more. Nervousness puts your mind in a blur and what you say isnt always what you intended. Ask for her phone number and call her. The more you talk to her the less nervous you get.


Oh, and fifteen and never been kissed? Not a huge deal. Your time will come.

Best of luck. I really do hope it works out for you.

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She's giving you all the signs. Just ask already! What's the worst that can happen? Even if she says "no" you'll get over it, and besides it'll give you great experience for asking girls out in the future. However, try to talk to her alone, saying things in front of her friends can be very intimidating as opposed to just one on one discussion. Well anyways, good lucK!

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She's giving you all the signs. Just ask already! What's the worst that can happen? Even if she says "no" you'll get over it, and besides it'll give you great experience for asking girls out in the future. However, try to talk to her alone, saying things in front of her friends can be very intimidating as opposed to just one on one discussion. Well anyways, good lucK!

Okay good idea, I need to talk to her alone. But still, I don't really know HOW to ask out a girl! Also, a few people have told me "Just do it, ask her out already!" but are they referring to: telling her my feelings and asking her to be my girlfriend, OR, asking her if she'd like to go out on a date? Or both? Because people say "oh don't worry about being rejected" and that doesn't seem to really apply much to asking for a date, so I assume it would be asking a girl to be my girlfriend.

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  • 3 weeks later...

well you can just try to be yourself that might work if it dosent think of things to talk to her about. I know what you mean about being nervous on asking someone out but there is a really good thing about being a funny person (if you are like me.) Here is what you do if your to nervous to do in person or on the phone. Get her AIM screen name. Then start a conversation with her. Then just simply ask her out say o idk maybe will you go out w/ me lol. Then if she says no you can just say darn...u no i was just kidding right. Thats what i did but i didnt have to say the i was just kidding paart because she said yes...maybe you will get the same answer.

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