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My ex and I have been broken up for 1 week now. After we broke up I blocked him on everything, but I missed Facebook because we were never friends on it and I only recently started using it to keep in contact with my distant family. He messaged me on FB and I didn’t reply. Then he started calling me from numbers that he buys on apps and I answered once. He sounded sad and he said I answered a strange number at night with excitement. Basically he was saying I was expecting someone else and he was jealous. I knew it was him actually, and I’m ashamed to say I wanted to hear his voice. Anyways when I woke up 3 days ago I saw he sent a text saying “I do see a future with you btw. I think about it all the time”.



He broke up with me. I kept asking him if he saw a future with me and one day he said he didn’t. At first he said it’s because I wouldn’t move with him to his home country. Then he said something about how he couldn’t be with someone that doesn’t believe in god. He knew I didn’t believe in god before we became a couple over 3 years ago. Then he said I was distracting him from being a hard worker. I was making him lazy because all he wanted to do was be with me and not work as hard as he should be working for his future.


I felt he was using excuses and was trying to let me down easy. I was devastated and That’s when I blocked him. When he texted me that he sees a future with me still, I brought up his other excuses for breaking up and he says religion doesn’t matter and that he shouldn’t had said he doesn’t see a future with me and that he just doesn’t see me moving to Haiti in like 10 years. I honestly don’t know what I’ll do in 10 years, but I am sure he will really move back. He then texted “if you are mine and I am yours we will get back together.”


Since then he has texted me every morning. He knows I just had oral surgery, so that could be a reason for the contact. I don’t understand him. I feel like he just wants to keep me occupied, so I don’t try anything with anyone else-not that I’m looking I mean we just broke up and my face is the size of a ballon right now lol. But why break up with me just to do this ?

Should I tell him to just leave me alone?

Am I being weak by staying in contact with him?

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Should I tell him to just leave me alone?

Am I being weak by staying in contact with him?

Yes, and Yes. When people play mind games with you, that's your cue to head for the hills. Don't waste your life on someone who does the "push and pull" game. Life's too short. Find someone mature and compatible. This guy is not it.

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Yes, and Yes. When people play mind games with you, that's your cue to head for the hills. Don't waste your life on someone who does the "push and pull" game. Life's too short. Find someone mature and compatible. This guy is not it.


Agree, this sounds like someone using you when it's convenient for them. It's not enjoyable. It's manipulation.

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