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BF still talks to ex


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Alright so I've been with my BF for almost a year in the beginning he did some flirting behind my back I found out about it confronted him and he admitted to it apologized broke the one promise apologized and both have never happened again. Recently he's been talking to his one ex and it hurts alot and talks about her too. Am I in the wrong for feeling this way?

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Latinagirl, there is something going on in your relationship more than you're letting on. First it was a party that you weren't invited to and now he's talking to ex girlfriends. Are you worried he's cheating or is about to break up with you? Why don't you really tell us what's going on. It sounds like there's a lot of strain in your relationship.

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Alright so I've been with my BF for almost a year in the beginning he did some flirting behind my back I found out about it confronted him and he admitted to it apologized broke the one promise apologized and both have never happened again. Recently he's been talking to his one ex and it hurts alot and talks about her too. Am I in the wrong for feeling this way?


Hi LatinaGirl,


Sorry to say, but it honestly sounds like you both shouldn't be in this (and possibly any) relationship right now. Between how he originally acted around the party, the 'memorable events' pact, flirting around, breaking promises, and the trust issues in this situation; and it's been less than a year... Even saying 'both have never happened again' seems a bit trite considering there has barely been time for a repeat performance. I seriously get the feeling that continuing with this relationship will lead to compunding issues.


So yeah, get out now is my advice.


Good luck,



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Not in any way. He's had issues with work lately cut backs in hours


Not sure what that has to do with him talking to an ex girlfriend and not standing up for you where your friend's party was concerned.


If he was madly in love with you, he would have had your back regarding the party and wouldn't need to start talking to ex girlfriends.


But the larger question is. . why is it you don't think you deserve respect from your boyfriend?

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