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Where am I even at?


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I've posted here a few times regarding my relationship which is long distance currently and about the various problems within it, this may sound strange but can I get advice on the text and call dialogue between me and her, this is just from today:


08:15 - Her: Morning handsome

08:17 - Me: Morning Beautiful


10:30 - call from her lasting 1 hour 20 mins, I got criticized and had a go at for "talking over twice" actually it was both us just talking at the same time and each time I said sorry and "you first" to her with her replying "it don't matter" "I've forgotten now" "you're always doing it" "my mum does it to me"


Anyway call went on at the same time she was doing her make-up and saying "she can't do her eyebrows" must have spent at least 20-30 mins talking about her make-up, then about her diet of which she is doing a very low calorie diet - I myself lost a massive amount of weight a few years ago, some 76 kilos, halving my body weight in 12 months, I was trying to help her by giving advice like, make sure to eat breakfast because it kicks your metabolism into gear, as she has been avoiding eating until dinner/tea time and only eating 1,000 cals or less!

I got back "Told you, I do as I please, I don't do as anyone tells me" "I can't eat breakfast or I'm hungry all day"



12:03 - her: 310 cals in a smoked sausage!

12:12 - me: Not so bad (no idea what to say in return as I feel lost)

12:37 - her: I'm not going out it's nearly waist deep at some area's (snow storm in the uk, we all have it)

12:43 - me: Ah yeah best not to (again the lost what to say feeling)

12:46 - her: It's half way up the parked cars because it's drifting

12:49 - me: Oh lol :D

13:44 - her: Decided to have a sandwich for lunch it's too cold not eating atm (after having a go at me for saying to eat)

13:48 - me: Aye good you're having something (bemused)

13:51 - her: Kinda thought one day ain't gonna do much harm

13:55 - me: Nah one day won't hurt (bemused)

13:55 - her: You should see the snow up the side of the house lol. Someone got the car stuck in the street a moment ago and had to get dug out

13:57 - me: Oh lol why on earth are people even trying to drive in that (its a red warning)

13:58 - her: Well exactly the advice is still stay indoors unless essential travel

14:19 - her: If you had summat that took 2.5 mins in a 900w microwave how long would you do in a 750w?

14:21 - me: Probably try at about 3.5 mins maybe

14:21 - her: Ok

14:30 - her: Even with my sandwich, crisps and biscuits and having my tea later I'll be under 1000

14:37 - me: Aye that's good not an off day at all then?

14:38 - her: Nah best not

17:35 - me: Wish I could wrap my big strong arms tightly around your waist

17:35 - her: Aye would be nice

18:52 - me: The girls school is closed 2moro, is it any worse there? (I have 2 daughters from past ex)

19:00 - her: Big freeze on atm. We still have amber alert until 10 am 2moro. the airport has shut and roads all still dead.

19:04 - me: God frigging nightmare weather, parts of England got red alert I see now too. You be careful if you do go out 2moro sweetheart

19:04 - her: Aye will do

19:05 - her: Shouldn't have had lunch I'm starving now.

19:08 - me: Can you not have something else as you've not exactly had much and its damn cold.

19:08 - her: Had my calories for the day

19:17 - her: I have had a lot because I had a cheese sandwich, crisps, biscuits, sweet potato

19:20 - me: Yeah but how many cals? still around 1000? so not a great deal really

19:21 - her: Oh and a laughing cow cheese triangle to about 1013

19:22 - me: Have something if you're hungry, sure it won;t harm you

19:23 - her: Nothing I could have really

21:30 - her: Ended up having 2 slices of bread buttered and yet another bag of crisps so be about 1400

21:35 - me: Ah well at least you had something (again lost on what to reply)

21:35 - her: Aye but now I wish I hadn't



In between there was a little talk on houses we looked at on facebook messenger.


I'm not going to put an opinion yet as I'd like to hear what others say about this if possible?

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As a contrast this is a conversation I had a with a friend who's a lady across facebook messenger earlier:


Her - Good morning. Hope you are well.

Her - This is soooo weird that we both like the same music!

Me - Morning too, sorry only just got your messages, I'm doing ok thanks, how's you?

Me - Haha cool music ya mean 😜 I can't survive without music in my life

Her - I'm alright too thanks

Me - Crazy here right now snow everywhere!

Her - I heard there is snow, must be so nice though :) but is it not normal for this time of year?

Me - Well Uk these days you never quite know, the sun could be out and 10 mins later its snowing lol

Her - Wow, I think I would go nuts lol

Her - I want sun!

Me - Me too can't go topless in this weather!


Her - No comment :p

Me - Haha :p

Me - Here's a latest tattoo design I', working on - shows pic

Her - It's lovely, I just love it!

Me - Thanks I'll move onto designing the scorpion one I said about other day when I'm finished this

Her - Go for it can't wait to see it!

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Well, I think the answer you're looking for is that the first girl is just all into herself and she's treating you like a bot. The second girl at least chats with you.


But the bigger answer is you shouldn't be bothering with fantasy people on the Internet and you should be finding a real-life girl that you can be with each day. Someone you can hold hands with, smooch with, and really talk with. Having relationships on the Internet are phony. They're fake. They're hiding from reality. They're "safe." They're not real life.

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Well, I think the answer you're looking for is that the first girl is just all into herself and she's treating you like a bot. The second girl at least chats with you.


But the bigger answer is you shouldn't be bothering with fantasy people on the Internet and you should be finding a real-life girl that you can be with each day. Someone you can hold hands with, smooch with, and really talk with. Having relationships on the Internet are phony. They're fake. They're hiding from reality. They're "safe." They're not real life.


Exactly that, shes so into herself that I don't even get chance to talk about me these days, we are engaged btw, looking for a house together and have spent 3 years in this relationship with many visits, things just seem to be getting worst daily, although I can't ever see her dumping me, but I sit here wondering do I even exist, shes made it impossible for me to joke about with her, and takes literally zero interest in anything im doing bar looking for a house

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You spent 1 hour and 20 mins on the phone and then sent that amount of texts throughout the day.................you need to get a life...and be done with the inane texts......it looks like a text-conversation she would have with one of her girlfriends....you're putting yourself in the 'friend-zone' with all that useless contact.


Don't mean to be mean....just calling it as I see it.

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By the way, have you ever met in person?


Or is this actually a "cyber" relationship?


Two of your previous threads addressed emotional abuse (from her).


May I ask what the appeal is?


ETA: I read you have met in person. Still doesn't explain why you're still there tolerating emotional abuse, but it's your life, so best of luck.

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The problem is, I have not initiated any of that, apart from 1 text, the rest was her.


Being distance, yeah I like to talk with her one way or another but in this manner no! Flirty, fun and a laugh, yes, but she's become very self absorbed.


Should I be ignoring these types of texts? Usually I send back more fun replies but I'm so frustrated by all I did last couple of days was that kind of generic answer.

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Those were some boring conversations with the girlfriend.


Does she know that you feel she is largely uninterested in you and how your day is going? To be honest, I am not sure what your question is for us, exactly.


It seems to me you are more interested in the other woman at this point. Is that correct?

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I'm not interested in the other women that way, she's just a friend but I guess I wanted to prove to myself it's not me with issues in communication.


It's pretty impossible for me to talk to my fianceè regarding these issues as it's like walking in egg shell's, it would just cause a blow up and basically I'll get told to do one.


Same happening this Morning, she's text me about the snow and I've replied back about I'm with my daughter's doing them a little party as they missed world book day event at school due to weather, she completely ignored the message and straight back to about her. I've not bothered replying to her last text.

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