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I had a question. My ex left me about 8 months ago, and he fell for the total opposite of me. i.e., drunk, unfaithful, unemployed, and a total work of High Maintenance material. I don't get it, did he just wanted to see if he can make it work with someone like this while to feel needed as a man to take care of someone? I on the other hand, am no High Maintenance, full time job, fun, faithful, and to mention, we have a son together. And this girl is older than I and she has a lot of trouble getting to understand why my ex comes around to me, and she can't come to grips that, he and I have a child together and he will always come around to us. And it seems, the more he came around, the more she started to having to even tried to follow him over to my house and then she'd wait outside while my ex takes our son for the night or 2. And then later on, he calls me to tell me that he is having drama from her because our son is the reason she is acting that way. And then gets all happy when our son is never with them. And the funny thing is, she has her own son from a previous relationship. And about 2 months into their rebound relationship, he called me to tell me he regrets leaving and misses his family. (us) I am just curious as to why my then-bf pulled this on me and went for someone the total opposite of me and now want to come home. Was he just trying something different?

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Since you share custody, focus on co-parenting and your son, not your son's fathers new partner. He can let her sit in the car when he picks up his son, she's not stalking you, you are stalking her. Are you back together?

he and I have a child together and he will always come around to us. she'd wait outside while my ex takes our son for the night or
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