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Ex drunk texted me saying "I'm sorry we didn't workout" then didn't reply


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My girlfriend broke up with me right about a month ago. She said she was confused about what she wanted but still cared about me and didn't know if she should break up or stay together. I still want her back and I realized my wrongdoings in the relationship and she knows that Im sorry for that. I have remained in contact with her and I was stupid and started a few conversations where she just gave short replies. So about a week ago I decided just to not initiate contact anymore. Well yesterday she texted me about my job to see if I was still working at the place I was working and we got in a little convocation about it. Then the conversation ended and around 2:30 AM I saw a text from her saying "Im sorry we didn't workout". I decided not to respond until the morning because she was obviously drunk. So I texted her this morning when I woke up saying "Theres nothing to be sorry for, i've learned a lot from this and understand why it had to end like this so don't be sorry". And now I never got a response. Is she just trying to take the guilt off of her to make herself feel better? I just don't understand because she already apologized for hurting me a few weeks ago. I don't get why she'd bring it up again.

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I was stupid and started a few conversations where she just gave short replies. So about a week ago I decided just to not initiate contact anymore. .


You felt a shift when you started to limit contact and go silent.. . Now she hits you up?

She's giving you just enough breadcrumbs so you'll give her the attention she wants.


Does she want to get back together? Hard to say. But next time she contacts you tell her straight up that you can no longer communicate with her and you

need to focus on the future and moving forward. Tell her, if anything changes to let you know.

That will stop the mixed messages and random drunk texting. And will help you to move forward -or- motivate her to reconcile if that's what she ultimately wants.

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You felt a shift when you started to limit contact and go silent.. . Now she hits you up?

She's giving you just enough breadcrumbs so you'll give her the attention she wants.


Does she want to get back together? Hard to say. But next time she contacts you tell her straight up that you can no longer communicate with her and you

need to focus on the future and moving forward. Tell her, if anything changes to let you know.

That will stop the mixed messages and random drunk texting. And will help you to move forward -or- motivate her to reconcile if that's what she ultimately wants.


Yeah I really don't get why she'd say shes sorry again after apologizing before. But your right I need to work on moving on incase she doesn't realize she made a mistake in breaking up with me. Its just like she's playing mind games with me

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Well maybe she is just trying to figure out what she wants. Don't talk to her anymore, my man


Yeah i'm not gonna text her anymore unless she contacts first. Thin like @reinventmyself said Ill probably say that I don't want to talk as friends but if she changes her mind let me know

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I would not have responded either, for several reasons.


1. your text did not require nor invite a reply. in fact, it tied everything up in a graceful bow and provided a nice resting place. good for you.

2. she was drunk when she texted and knows it would have been better not to have texted at all. why perpetuate what she ought not to have started.

3. she brought it up because she missed you. she was selfish to tell you that, knows it, and has nothing else to say that doesn't make it worse.


Other posts are on the money -- keep on your path. She is out of sorts and an unreliable partner right now.

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What is there to respond to? She said she is sorry. Your response was gracious. Nothing else to be said.


You are still raw from the break up and still hurting and hoping to get back together, so you are trying to read meaning into every bit of contact. Thing is that she said sorry because....she was drunk, because she is still feeling bad or guilty about hurting you, because it made her feel better to say sorry, etc. In the end, the one thing she isn't saying is "let's give us another shot". It would be best for you to tell her that the only time you want to hear from her is if she wants to get back together. Outside of that, there will be no further contact. You can't be friends.

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