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What little things annoy you about your partner?

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What are your experiences with little problems?


Im curious what little (maybe insiginifigant) things annoy you about your partner or ex-partners.

Knowing these little problems that arise is helpful; so we can learn how to fix these little probs and be better people for our loved ones



For me, I had a little issue about brushing teeth. My ex would never brush his teeth and when id kiss him Id get a gum infection


I also really hated how if a guy watched tv and you talked to him abotu the show or whatever, hed either not listen, or answer while staring at the tv

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Yeah I understood that already. Thats exactly what my ex used to say to me.

It was annoying because without fail, the television always took priority over me Even if it was a tv show he wasnt the SLIGHTEST bit interested in.


No one seems to be answer the question at hand XD

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One thing that really annoyed me about my ex was that she was really, really nit-picky about my clothes. Everything had to match perfectly, i couldn't mix "casual clothes" with "dress clothes", and there were some other things too. The part that really got on my nerves was that she would try to make me go home and change! I thought, "this is ridiculous", and needless to say, the little things like that built up and we are obviously no longer together. All i can say is that, if it doesn't matter in the long run (like if it isn't truly important) then try not to bug about it. it just builds up frustration.

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Belinda, he could equally well say that the thing that bugged him about you was that you always chose a time when he was busy with something else (like watching TV) to demand his attention and that he always felt it was some sort of test.

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That's nice. Thanks for the advice, but next time; if I want it Il ask ok?

Not trying to be rude, but I really DONT need a lecture about my ex right now. And Im not going to get onto that topic here since it hurts like hell. I dont need reminders. Thanks.


Can we please get back on topic?

I want to know what YOU guys have experienced, rather than talking about me.

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The only issue I have with my girlfriend is that she never calls me, or shows any initiative at all in our relationship really. When I'm actually seeing her, which is about once a week, things are great. She's a wonderful woman. The rest of the time, however, I feel ignored. We've talked about this and she's said she would 'try' but not a single call as of yet. Actually, I'm not sure she's ever called with except when i leave messages asking her to.

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What bugs me? Passive aggressive behavior. You know that times when your woman is angry and then you ask her what is the matter, adn she says "Oh nothing". What am I supposed to do, chase you and beg you to tell me?


If you want something tell me or better yet, go do it or make me want it too. If you are upset about something, then let me know. No passive aggressive BS please. I'd prefer plan old aggression to passive aggression any day.

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My partner is awesome, and there is only one small thing, but he knows about it...


When we have a disagreement, or if he has done something that hurt me (unintentionally) he gets rather down on himself...kind of mad at himself, and he gets really quiet and almost sulks for a while as he sorts it out. If I give him space, he will be fine in a while and come back more loving then ever, but it is hard as I am worried about him feeling bad, as it makes me feel bad, which makes him feel worse...it's a vicious cycle...lol. His reasoning is that he wants to make me happy, and last thing he wants is to hurt me, so he feels terrible as I don't deserve that, so he needs time to think things through.


Anyway, I guess it is not really an annoying thing for me, just something that gets me down when he does it as I hate seeing him hurting too.

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I think the only thing that annoys me is when my bf has to fart he leans over to try and emphasize it. I don't care if he farts becaues it is natural, but why emphasize it, and he only does it to annoy me so most of the time I just ignore him because it is to tiny of a little thing to get my panties in a wad over, LOL.

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My g/f is insanely cute, and very un-hairy but doesn't have eyes in the back of her head, so she misses that fact that thongs, on some girls, let a little back-side hair out. From some poses, it's just humorous. Doesn't bug me enough to make it an issue.


Second, she refuses to accept that no reaction from me really is no reaction. My manner is that if I see something that I find questionable or disrespectful, I return it with a due and dispassionate response: nothing. It's not worth my time. She regards this as either silent treatment or some passive revenge, when to me, I'm always allowed to remove myself from any situation I feel the desire to.

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That's nice. Thanks for the advice, but next time; if I want it Il ask ok?

Not trying to be rude, but I really DONT need a lecture about my ex right now. And Im not going to get onto that topic here since it hurts like hell. I dont need reminders. Thanks.


Can we please get back on topic?

I want to know what YOU guys have experienced, rather than talking about me.


You may not have been trying to be rude but you succeeded anyway.

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I hate it when i am talking to my bf about somethin and if he don't wanna talk about it or if he is scared that i will be mad about his answer then he will try to change the subject completely... i hate this because how are we supposed to work things out if he doesn't even want to stay on subject...


I also hate it when we are in an argument i can't be mad at him longer than 2 mins. or else he is mad at me too... its like he knows that it kills me to see him mad at me so as soon as he says that hes mad at me then it all gets turned around on me and i can't be mad at him anymore cuz i just want him to hug me and kiss me and it be over with...


I also hate the way that all he has to do when im mad is cum up to me and give me his puppy face look and then im no longer mad cuz hes just so dang cute... he gets away with absolutely everything that way... but i can't help it... i just love him soo much and he is just so cute...


Love always,


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I also really hated how if a guy watched tv and you talked to him abotu the show or whatever, hed either not listen, or answer while staring at the tv


Interesting, because I hate it when my girlfriend talks to me while we're watching TV or a movie, because I find it rude and distracting -- especially if it's something I've requested she watch because it's of particular interest -- i.e. a documentary.


She also talks to me during movies at the theatre, "why do you think that person did that?" ... "what did he say?" ... "I know who did it... that guy!" ... so much of the rude and annoying.


It also bothers me when a gf won't try something I offer... like, "try a sip of this", or "here... try this (food item)". I'm going to have to do the same to her sometime so she know's what it's like... I can just see it now... she'll be all excited saying, "Hey! Want to try this? It's really awesome, you have to try it!" ... and I'll say, "No thanks."


Oh... here's something really annoying... you'll have just gotten into bed, and you know she wants to make love tonight, but some thought pops into her head, and of course she has to ask you about it right then... and it's usually something ackward and uncomfortable... i.e. regarding an ex-gf of yours... and completely spoils the mood! Then she gets upset that you're no longer in the mood to make love. WTF?

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A woman who does not listen.


I had on woman I dated. Even when I asked her not to do some things, she would still jsut go right ahead and do them. Even stupid stuff. She took me to a party once and while there grabbed a flower that was on display. She took the flower and smelled it, no problem. Then she told me to smell it and stuffed it in my nose. I asked her not to do that again, but she went ahead and did it anyway within 15 minutes.


That was just part of her last date with me.

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She took the flower and smelled it, no problem. Then she told me to smell it and stuffed it in my nose.


Heh... I had a bit of an annoying flower experience...


I was in midst of a really deep thought... and was about to say something upon having a eureka moment, and my gf gives me a flower and says, "smell this!" ... completely disrupting my train of thought.


I said, "why did you do that???" ... and she said, "sorry... I thought it would help you think". Where does that logic come from?

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That's nice. Thanks for the advice, but next time; if I want it Il ask ok?

Not trying to be rude, but I really DONT need a lecture about my ex right now. And Im not going to get onto that topic here since it hurts like hell. I dont need reminders. Thanks.


Can we please get back on topic?

I want to know what YOU guys have experienced, rather than talking about me.


You may not have been trying to be rude but you succeeded anyway.

I'm so sorry I didnt mean to be rude. I hope you can accept my apology...

Its so tough breaking up and Im over sensitive about the isue of my ex, I hope you understand....

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That's nice. Thanks for the advice, but next time; if I want it Il ask ok?

Not trying to be rude, but I really DONT need a lecture about my ex right now. And Im not going to get onto that topic here since it hurts like hell. I dont need reminders. Thanks.


Can we please get back on topic?

I want to know what YOU guys have experienced, rather than talking about me.


You may not have been trying to be rude but you succeeded anyway.

I'm so sorry I didnt mean to be rude. I hope you can accept my apology...

Its so tough breaking up and Im over sensitive about the isue of my ex, I hope you understand....


Of course, no problem. I hope you get past all the hurt very soon and find someone who can wipe it all away.

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Little things that aren't big enough to create an argument, but that still bug the hell out of me:


* When my man "plays the role" when other guys are around. It could be a work friend, or one of his oldest guy friends. He still changes his tune completely for some reason. Drives me nuts.


* He doesn't SPEAK UP when something ticks him off. He is very reserved in this sense. Just once I'd like to see him stand up for himself and lay down the law.


* At times he can be very needy, call 100 times while he's at work, even though there is nothing to talk about.


There is probably a much longer list of the things he dislikes about me.

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* When my man "plays the role" when other guys are around. It could be a work friend, or one of his oldest guy friends. He still changes his tune completely for some reason. Drives me nuts.


Yeah, my current partner does not do that (well, sometimes its funny as he will still joke around with me like he normally does in private, but as I do in private I can give it back, and his friends love it and me as I don't let him get the upper hand and put him in his "place"...lol...but it is all in fun and jokingly, and with tons of love of course and respect.


But in the past I did date a couple guys who would be the same way as your boyfriend, and just be different people, drove me crazy too....its a relief to be with someone who is the same with friends around or not...I don't feel like I am living with two different people..lol..and I don't feel like I am suddenly not as "special" or something around his friends...don't know can't explain it very well I guess here!

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No, you explained it pretty well. I know that he doesn't actually mean to be "beside himself", and it's more of an insecurity thing. I know him so well that any little idiosyncrasy he changes, I notice right away.


My boyfriend is also still pretty young, so at 24 he's probably still figuring things out for himself, who he is, what he wants, etc. .. blah blah. The old chiche. I think once you're comfortable with who you are, you don't feel the need to pull out different personalities to impress.

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My boyfriend is also still pretty young, so at 24 he's probably still figuring things out for himself, who he is, what he wants, etc. .. blah blah. The old chiche. I think once you're comfortable with who you are, you don't feel the need to pull out different personalities to impress.


Agree completely with that last statement.....eventually you get to the point where hey this is me, take it or leave it! Women seem to get there faster in general then men, so yeah, I would say your boyfriend is just playing catch up in that department there!

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When my man "plays the role" when other guys are around. It could be a work friend, or one of his oldest guy friends. He still changes his tune completely for some reason. Drives me nuts.


George Castanza: There's Relationship George and then there's independent George. independent George is the George you know, the George you love. If Relationship George meets independent George, he will kill independent George....


I don't think he's "changing his tune". I believe he's being himself in a different context. I mean I don't think he'll start all the baby talk while his boys are around would he?

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My boyfriend is also still pretty young, so at 24 he's probably still figuring things out for himself, who he is, what he wants, etc. .. blah blah. The old chiche. I think once you're comfortable with who you are, you don't feel the need to pull out different personalities to impress.


Agree completely with that last statement.....eventually you get to the point where hey this is me, take it or leave it! Women seem to get there faster in general then men, so yeah, I would say your boyfriend is just playing catch up in that department there!


Please don't tell me this is another variant on the "he's so immature!!" thing. I have known plenty of women who do this - my sister-in-law still does it!

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