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What does he mean


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So I'm dating a young widow. His wife died 2 years ago. We met on bumble and live only 10 mins away. Score ! We hit it off great one day in he tells me he is just getting back out there and wants to take it slow because it's been awhile and haven't been on a date since her passing. I said I understand etc. We meet for the first date a week after meeting on bumble. It was amazing . He texts me right after saying had a great time and all that stuff . So we're still talking usually I don't hear.from them after that. So on thurs (our chats started 2 weeks ago so it's consecutive) we both were going to the same restaurant coincidentally me.with the bestie him with the in-laws so I was hoping I'd look bomb and run into him . We get a storm I said we were staying in town and going to a different place well he purposely changed places and I walk and there they were we even happened to sit in the booth behind them which was funny . So we nod and smile at each other. They leave walk past the window and he gives me the biggest grin and wave . I totally blushed. After he.texted me saying I looked great. I loved it. Because no one besides my ex ever complimented me in the dating scene . So Fri (last night) he invited me over for a popcorn and movie now I would have said no because it would mean a bootie call. But I knew this guy just wanted a night in . So we crack a beer watch a movie I snuggle up to him he seems super shy and whatnot but in a cute way like trying to touch my hand and that . It was a wonderful night . I leave and come home and he.wrote me this ...Nice to have you over!! Please understand it may feel a bit weird to me to sit on the couch with 'another woman'. Not meaning i change it up every week and get different ppl over the time.Been a long time actually, have to get used to this as it is part of the moving on.

Hope you understand what i mean. Im not one to move very quickly I said I’m totally good with that I had a good time and if moving slow is what you need to do then I’m on board with that I like you (name) I had a great time tonight.


Then switched topic. And for the first time really he was talking dirty but not full on like funny replies. he seems to be.opening up to me more. Today nothings changed and still talking. So after all that I don't quite get what he meant!! Now that I'm reading it more. Does he want to see where we go saying he has to get used to it again or that since I was his first he needs to not worry when OTHER girls come over ??


O and I think I'm seeing again this thurs 😊 and we also haven't kissed yet which I'm totally fine with it . The anticipation will be worth it . We just hugged after both nights

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