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does text messages count as NC???

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hi i have not spoke to my ex now in over a week, but we are texting each other - does this count? Or is this against NC too??

He text me a message last night saying that he is still coming over, and i did not reply back to him? Should i??? or what should I do? I would like us to be a couple again as this is killing me being apart from him as I love him so. i am now back to eating by the way and sleeping okay....... even though I did drop a stone and a half..... I am working on it!

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So long as you have any contact at all it means that she is still constantly in your thoughts and is part of your ongoing life. That means that you cannot get over her and move on. If she comes back that is ok but that is not the point of N/C which is for you to get over her.

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As the others have said, no contact means no contact! Texting, calling, writing, emailing and IMing all count as contact. Having this contact with your ex is not helping you to get over her, it is only putting her right back in your thoughts! You are hindering rather than helping yourself.

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