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Will he come back or is he gone forever?


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basically I met this boy at a nightclub and we started texting each other and we were very close like we would call every night and we would talk about everything and he said he loved me, we planned to meet again and go on a date and he lived in a seaside town 60 miles away so I decided to go up, the plan was that we would meet at 7 then go to the cinema then the bar then the beach, he texted me at around 5 that evening that he couldn't make it until 9 because he said he had to go Christmas shopping, I said that's ok and we met at 9, we held hands in the cinema and we talked and I loved it and I felt like there was something. Right after the cinema when we were walking out, he says out of the blue "sorry but I have to go at 11 because I have to go to a friends party" now I was very upset because I travelled up to see him and he turned around and said it out of the blue, we only had half an hour to hang out so we went to the beac and kissed and all and then he walked me back to my apartment and he went on to the party, I felt like because we were planning this for ages and I felt mugged because I travelled up to see him and I wouldn't have been upset if he told me before the date !! the next day I asked him how his party was and he said "not so good, felt sick so I went home how about you?" by the way I was doubting him a few weeks ago as he would sometimes take forever to reply but he will would be active, I said to him "look I'm annoyed because I travelled up to see you and you just said out of the blue in the middle of the date that you had to go and i thought it was something I did, I just feel sometimes that you don't really like me as much as I like you and if that is so we can still be friends" I said this because i was feeling like crap! Then he said "honestly I wanted it to be perfect but I had to pay £160 for college and the dentist surgery and I didn't look at my friend group chat all week and I got a call on the day of our date that there was a party and I felt bad if I didn't go to that but then I'd feel bad if I didn't meet you so I tried to please both sides, sorry it wasn't perfect but what could I do, pity you feel like that becaus I really like you" I felt terrible and I said "I'm so sorry! You honestly should have told me that you were havin tribes and we could have planned a day that suited us, I am a very understanding person! I am sorry if I got mad at you its just that I have been hurt before by past relationships and I really do like you and I just hope we'll be OK" then he said "that's ok" then I said "are we good?" Then he said "I think we should give each a few days space, I'm really not in the mood at the minute and I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone I'm sorry" then I said "that's ok I hope you're ok" and he never read it, a day aha passed and I still haven't heard from him, what will happen? Will he come back?? Was I in the wrong?? Please help me

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OP, slow down there, girl. This boy you met once in a nightclub was telling you he loved you even before your first real date? That is a serious red flag. You had to know that wasn't sincere, and not because you're not a lovely girl, but because he barely even knows you. Guys who throw around "love" like that don't mean it in the way you think they do.


And no, you're not wrong to be upset by his behaviour. He postponed and then dramatically cut short your date. This guy isn't serious about you. Don't feel terrible; he's a tool. His excuses are flimsy and he was inconsiderate of your time and feelings, and now he has you apologizing to him? No. Just no.


I'm sorry this happened, but I would not even give this dude a second thought. Too many red flags. You are worth more than this!

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He doesn't deserve you. he doesn't have the common courtesy to treat you with the respect as another human being. He really felt that his friends would be upset if he didn't go to a party that they already assumed he wasn't going to because he had not answered them? Sorry, but you are not a priority and i, too, would be upset if i drove all that way and the date didn't end naturally. When you first meet someone, you would want to give that person undivided attention. He didn't meet you at the time you agreed to, and then ditched you. Does he know what the date is? Christmas is aways away. I think you need someone who actually deserves you


What does the dentist have to do with the date?? Its not like you expected him to buy you lobster or a trip to Paris -- you would have been happy spending the rest of the evening in a coffee shop.

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Thank you, I just feel like Absaloute crap because I was in a toxic relationship for a year and I broke up with him 2 monthes ago and then I met this guy one month ago and it just hurts so much to be treated like again, I really don't think I'll ever find true love because this always happens me, thank you anyways xx

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Thank you so much, it just hurts me so much because this happens me all the time where I get real close then they start to treat me like , I think he's the best I can get aswell because I'm overweight and ugly and I don't think I'll get someone good so I just feel like I have to put up with being treated like because I hate feeling lonely xx

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