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How to Prove that i only want him


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Im guessing that you would rather be in a bad relationship than no relationship. I think you mentioned he was/is your first and you love him more than anything even tho there are better guys out there.


Im going to tell you what he is going to do. I know he is going to do this because this is what I would do to you if I was in his shoes. I would make you so confused that you wouldnt even think of leaving. I would have all the say and the power and I would keep that by accusing you of doing things wrong. Even looking at a guy and I would get mad with you and tell you that you dont love me and punish you by not talking to you and then it would be up to you to prove your love all over again. Just by doing that you dont have time to think about another guy. I would lay the guilt on you and lay it on you pretty thick. I would treat you good from time to time, but mainly make you do what I wanted. I would do whatever it took to have full control over you. If I get caught with another girl, its your fault for not treating me good enough. Ill start arguments for no reason, and make sure your devotion is to me and me only.


And with someone like you who is totally blind, this would be so easy to do. But those good moments are what keep you going but the times when its not good, youll be miserable. You will never be free to be yourself, you will be controlled, and even thinking for yourself will be questioned. but hey, you are in a relationship...


Good luck with this guy and be prepared to be confused a lot..

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