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Questions about legal advice and what I should do

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I am 25 years old. As a child, 5 through 13 years old. Experienced physical and sexual abuse from a family friends whole family. Through elementary school, junior and high school. I always did really bad with concentration. I suffered from bi-polar depression sense far as I can remember. I started drug/alcohol abuse around age 17 trying to block all these feelings and depression out. I have been through counseling and 4 drug rehabs throughout 15 years. I am at a breaking point. I have contacted counselors and other help facilities. But none is welling to work with me because I have screwed it up before. This guy is still out there neglecting and molesting kids left and right.


The information I am needing. Because this has gone on way to long. I havnt held a job for more than a month in my whole life. I am tired, wore out and extremely frustrated at this. I want to file legal charges against these preditors. The statute of limitations in Michigan I am not sure of. But states have passed new laws over the past couple of years and I might have a chance. I am living in Tennessee so it makes it that much more difficult. I want resitution for the suffering I have been through. The suffering I have put my family through. All the things I have missed out on in life is because of this childhood memory that will NOT go away. I cant hold a steady relationship because im comfused with sex. I am a mess. I want pay back. I know you dont get money when filing these kind of charges unless you were raped by a priest or some religion crap. It is not fair. I live in a republican state. So help for these kind of things are very minimum. What can or should I do? I need help here. Therapist and counselors dont seem to be much help. I have tried everything. Any experienced individuals out there that has been through this, and has came out better in life?

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I can't say that I have done this, but if it were me, I would find out the city where they are living and file a police report on them. Call up the police in their area, or in your area, and say that these people molested me when I was a minor, and then they will have trouble getting jobs that require a police report.

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I second the police report motion. You need to feel that you are doing something to recover your lost dignity, and to confirm to yourself that you were unjustly victimized. Often, abuse tends to destroy the victim's self esteem, and they fall prey to drugs and other escapist things. I urge you to discover your "mission" in life, and be empowered by that. It may be to study for a career in counseling, or anything that excited you. The more you take control of your life, the more you will see your situation smooth out. It will be truly amazing and wonderful to behold.

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