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Cutting when im happy????

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Im in a really good relationship right now with my best friend. I love her. Im the happiest Ive ever been in my life, yet I still have urges to cut. Ill be happy and then Ill be reaching for my knife. I cant make sense of it and I hate it. I want to conquer it. Any help would be great!

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It's an addiction, whether we're happy or not. Sometimes you may want to do it just bc, not bc you're sad. Just bc you just want to. End of story. If you really want to overcome it you can. I didn't/don't want to stop cutting, it's a part of me. But it hurts my mother, so i told myself "i'm not going to do this anymore" and i haven't done it since. If you're going to quit, you just have to find the will, just tell yourself that it's not even an option.


The best of luck with your relationship.



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Thats the thing. I know its an addiction. Ive been trying to stop for 3 years. Ill stop for months and then one day the urge will come one day and its gone for a week or so then i stop. Its a cycle. I cant handle the cycle anymore: hiding, lieing, etc. I need to beat it

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I'm sorry I don't know what else to say...I know how hard the lying is, and the cycle of it...As someone who is comfortable with being a cutter and not wanting to quit, I don't believe I am the best person to give advice. I hope someone else replies to this who can really help you.



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Hey darlin,


It does seem strange to want to cut when you are happy. But I've been there. It is an addiction, like has been mentioned. But, if you truthfully want to beat it, you can. The first time I dated my boyfriend I was also very happy. I decided to stop cutting as way to set the example for him because he was recovering from SI as well. Also, I wanted to build honesty between us, which meant telling him every time I cut...and me cutting hurt him too much so I stopped. Since we broke up though, I have realized it's something, like Empty, I do not wish to give up. I'm comfortable with it. I mean, there are tough parts, especially when no one else can know because then it's some big thing and...oy. It's complicated to explain. But anyway, that's what it comes down to. You have to look at it. Maybe you have to stop and think, 'wait...do I REALLY want to quit?" And from the sounds of it you do. Which means you just need to stop and really tell yourself, "okay, I want to do this." Then, when you have the urge to do it think, "okay, why do I even want to do this?" And you'll realize you don't know why. Then think about why you DON'T want to and find something else to do. Maybe call your g/f. =).


Hope I was some help...


Take Care.

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armour_13: I have been self-harm free for several months. What I do to keep from doing actual self-harm is to distract myself in different ways:


Playing on video game system

Go for a walk

Visit a friend

Watch TV

Take a self-soothing bath (bubble bath, candles) sometimes I even blow bubbles(remember bubbles with the wand?) in the tub


It is not easy. Few things are. The way I got to stop cutting was to give myself positive self-talk. "I am worth more than this." Sometimes you have to fake it until you make it.


And yes, even when I am feeling "happy" the urge is still there.


Good luck



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most important thing is that you really want to stop.

i didn't want to stop. i loved how it felt. and i think of starting again sometimes.


but i really hurt my mother with it. for i have two older sisters who both were cutters and they both went to a psychiatrist and stuff. so i stopped for her and my friend. we stopped together.


if you still want to hurt yourself you can hold your wrists under ice cold water. or water with ice in it or something. it really cold. and well yeah it hurts. so you could try that instead of cutting.

hope you can stop.

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hey, im a first year psychology student. and dont worry i wont ramble on about different things. but i know one thing you can do is displace your addiction. well thats what it appears to be. using displacement as a way to take out anger, or in this case just an urge can work. you need to think of something you enjoy doing aside of cutting and then you need to apply this every time you feel the situation arising. itll soon be a defence mechanism to cutting. hopefully it shoudl work.



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I'm new here, so I'll just be brief, I have been a self harmer since I was 12, I'm now 24 (imagine the scars!). Until recently, I would not of understood the possibitlity of being happy andi i still don't. But what you have to understand is that someone loves you, for who you are, not what you do, That is difficult no matter what relationship. Even if you are happy, you will always fell the same way. If you are a self harmer then you must admit it. But yes yes I still understand it as an issue. Please let him in if he's worth it. What you have to do now is love hi47m if you think he's worth itt. You have thre chance of being happy, take it, savour it, & live it! You're the only one who can do it for you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a lot of friends that have either been addicted to heroine or coke or who cut (as well as myself). I think the one thing I've learned from observing us is that addictions don't care what type of emotion. It's the intensity. The strength of the emotion is where it kicks in.


My other theory is that when you're REALLY REALLY happy, something clicks in your unconscious which puts you into that state where you need to cut because there's a fear that it's all going to go 180 and start sucking again.


You sound like you really want to stop though; that's what matters.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, i agree with most of u guys. I used to cut, too, and i wanted to even when i wasn't down. It's and addiction, because when you cut, your brain releases endorphins (feel good chemical, like from a runner's high, or an orgasm). When you get used to the rush everyday, or every week, whatever, then you take it away, you crave it. Just like any other chemical, caffine for example. You just have to avoid it as much as possible. good luck!

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