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Is it wrong if ur gay?

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Im very confused i have had alot of weird events happened to me in my lifetime im now 15 and i dont know if im gay or straight i dont know if being gay is bad or not i mean i know my family would hate me and my church but im confused please help i used to think gay ppl were evil and stuff but now i think is ok to be gay yet i feel like i cant

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Hey bro, you will find out once u see a girl to like you, you then flirt back and your heart with flutter from love....


if your gay, i dont hate gay's but i dont agree, just see what happens man, if you find your self confused after posting on the forums here, consult a phyc

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Some people think being gay is bad and others don't. What matters most is what you think. Just be true to yourself and try to do what makes you happy. It would be hard if you were gay because you say your family would not support it. This is a very tough situation. But in time you will know what your sexual orientation is and if you are gay, you will need to find support outside your family and church. Are you sure your family would hate it or do you just assume this?

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Well a lot of people appreciate chocolate and a few don't.

Is it "bad" to not like chocolate ?


I think your approach is more of: "Is it normal being part of the unusual category ?"

Well everybody is different and to have 6 billion people different its just like if god will run out of new ideas. "Ah, that one will...get three legs !"

Now if you differ from everybody for one thing but don't in the fact that everyone has his particularity, are you normal ?

Personally, I think it's normal. Some don't because they see it another way.


Now you're not sure if you're homosexual. Probably the best way to know if you are is: Would you see yourself live and share all your possessions (physical and psyhcological; everything) with a man ?

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BYOB well i sorta did that only it was in an online game i told a friend and found out he had feelings for i know it sounds silly its just a game and we have never met or seen each other but we sorta had a rekationship in there is like i feel like i should just go for it and be gay but then again my family and my religion is in the way and who will i turn if my family rejects me

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It sounds to me like you are probably straight. It sounds to me like you had feelings for that girl, and if you are gay you won't develop feelings for girls (generally). I think you are understandbly hurt and confused by her actions, and you turned to this online friend for support.


I don't believe that relationships can really develop online- they can start there sure. I think you are idealizing this person that you haven't met, and projecting feelings onto him.


I think "trying to be gay" is an extremely bad idea. I am gay, and let me tell you, it sucks. I recommend grieving for this girl for awhile, allowing yourself to be sad, and then looking around for another girlfriend if that's what you want. If it should turn out that you are gay, come back here and we'll help as much as we can. But I really think you are straight, I doubt you would be upset by this girl if you were gay.

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